Video Tutorials for Adobe After Effects (Volume 5)

Video Tutorials for Adobe After Effects
English | QuickTime (MOV) | 9.5 Hours | 5.08 Gb
Video: 1280x800, 30 frame/s | Audio: mp4a: 44100Hz 128 kb/s tot , stereo (2/0)

Aetuts+ is a site made to house and showcase some of the best After Effects tutorials around. We publish tutorials that not only produce great effects, but explain them in a friendly, approachable manner. We also stock up links to tutorials, articles, presets and plugins from around the web to help you get the most out of After Effects.

90. 3D Paper Crumple with Freeform AE
Next time you get a frustrating assignment that you didn't ask for, don't crumple it up and throw it at your boss's face. Now you can easily call it quits within After Effects! Rob uses the example of creating a paper crumple transition to show off the Digieffects plugin Freeform AE. Who knows... this tutorial might just save your job.

91. The Best Sound You�ll Ever See!
Satya is back with a new tutorial that will help you look as good as you sound. This technique has many options so sit back and learn how to create an attractive visual generated from your audio spectrum.

92. Terminate Your Footage With Expressions � Day 1
If you're wanting to help to save Sarah Connor then maybe this tutorial will give you an insider's perspective on what to do. Ben McEwan has created a 3 Day Series crammed full of useful expressions to create the UI found in the Terminator. He'll skim over some of the basics of shape layers, as well as touch on some more advanced stuff like displacement mapping.

93. Terminate Your Footage With Expressions � Day 2
If you're wanting to help to save Sarah Connor then maybe this tutorial will give you an insider's perspective on what to do. Here is Day 2 of this 3 Part Series by Ben McEwan. You can view Day 1 here.

94. Terminate Your Footage With Expressions Day 3
If you're wanting to help to save Sarah Connor then maybe this tutorial will give you an insider's perspective on what to do. Here is the Final Day of this 3 Part Series by Ben McEwan. You can view Day 1 here and Day 2 here.

95. Form A Unique Transition
In this tutorial we are going to reveal how to create a cool particle transition between 2 videos using Trapcode Form. We will cover the importance of layer maps while using this plugin as well as how to create a stylish displacement of the particles.

96. Living in Toytown
Until recently this effect has been created in-camera using specialized lenses. In this tutorial, Richard Bird gives an overview of how the "Dollhouse Effect" can be quickly recreated in post-production without the use of 3rd party plug-ins by remapping the depth of field, use of simple colour correction and altering the frame rate.

97. Making Your Color Scheme a Whole Lot Kuler!
Adobe Kuler is a great resource for color themes that is perfectly integrated in all Adobe CS4 software - except for After Effects. But this has changed now. In this tutorial, Mathias Mohl shows how you can use his brand-new script "Chameleon - The Adobe Kuler Color Theme Browser" to work with Kuler color themes in After Effects. Apply a new color theme with just one click and all colors of your composition update automatically.

98. Writing with Colored Sand
We are going to make this writing with sand sort of effect. The story behind this tutorial is; One day my manager asked me for spray or sand kind of effect. First I googled on the internet but I never found any kind of tutorial, After one hour of RnD, I came up with this effect which I felt was looking great, so I figured I would share it with you guys.

99. Map Your Destination in AE
If you're planning a trip and need to set up a visual location overview, you're in luck! If you pretty much never even leave your room accept for class, work, and meals, you're still in luck! With some expressions, good technique, and a little treasure hunting instinct, Jorrit Schulte guides us through the process of this animation journey.

100. Use Lights To Project Your Logo
This tutorial basically involves three things that could be useful - Use of Light Projections (text projected onto white solids), Text Writing with particular and Use of Exported Camera from cinema 4d. There are some good principles you can take from this example.

101. Get Your Disco Groove On
I hope you got the funk in your trousers!... ok, that sounded better in my head. Today we are going to create a full disco club scene. There are a number of elements involved so hopefully you can moonwalk away with something groovy!

102. Writing With The Clouds
I think at some point everybody has enjoyed trying to point out shapes of animals or other random things while looking up at the clouds. Well today you get to decide what that cloud shape will be! Without using any 3rd Party Plug-ins, I'm going to show you guys a simple way create clouds from shapes, text, a logo... anything you want! In this tutorial the main focus will be on track mattes and working with masks.

103. Create A Comic Book Style Animation
There are many ways to make yourself look cool like rescuing babies, planting trees, or even hiring someone with consistently bad breath to hang out with you so you become the social favorite by comparison... it does work. But I think the comic book super hero method ain't too bad either and so today you'll learn some helpful workflow tips integrating Photoshop along with how to take your footage and give it that comic book style.

104. Boharg II Breakdown
I came across and this short film and it reminded me of so many friends' first video projects... except done really well. I asked David to show the basic techniques he used to create this effect driven action sequence. He'll show some Time Remapping, Distortion, and Color Correction tips that could even save you from running into yourself in an old building...

105. Shine Some Light On The Situation
When working on VFX, you can often measure your success by how invisible you are. If the audience doesn't know there was an effect created, then you did a good job. In this tutorial I will show you all how to make turn a plain dolly shot into a dynamic room with light rays and a sky replacement.

106. Learn How to Create an Advanced Jumper Effect
We�ve all seen the standard disappearing effect from a camera that sits on a tripod and doesn�t move. In this tutorial you�ll learn how to create a dynamic disappearing effect from a moving camera shot. Our camera will pan with the actor as he runs, jumps, disappears, and reappears. The actual disappearance also includes a dynamic dissolve and warp effect. And the best part is, no third party plug-ins are required.

107. Excellent Explosions and Extreme Extrusions in C4D
In this tutorial, Carlos will teach us how to create extruding text exploding out of a box using C4D. We'll then bring it into After Effects to add more particles and a background. This is excellent effect to go through if you've been wanting to try a 3d program.

108. Create Your Own Custom Effects!
For those looking for something a little more advanced and useful. Here it is! Momcilo takes us step by step into Creating Your Own Custom Effects. You don't have to wait for "somebody to come out with it..." Now YOU can!

109. Add A Vignette With Ease � Custom Effect
One great tool used to "Have it Your Way" is Custom Effects. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Custom Effects you can check out this article. Momcilo is going to walk us through the basics of creating your very own Vignette Custom Effect. Enjoy!

110. Distribute Your Layers in 3D � Custom Effect
The Distributor is a free custom effect that randomly places selected layers throughout 3D space. With its vast number of settings you can control not only the range of the distribution, but also rotation, opacity and much more. Overall the Distributor will help save time while overcoming limitations of various plugins.

111. Countdown In Style with Clockworks � Custom Effect
If you need a great video intro and have less then 24 hours to deliver, then you're in luck! We're going to be looking at Jorrit's Clockworks Custom Effect and working through how to make your own intense show opener using it. You can hang up with CTU, everything you need can be found below!

112. Fix Interlaced Footage With Deinterlacerator! � Custom Effect
If you have a box full of old mini DV tapes in your closet that you've been meaning to go though, now might be the time! With this helpful CE you can convert Line-Laden footage into Pixel Perfection in no time. Download the Free Custom Effect and follow along!

113. Become a Storm Chaser � Day 1
In this two part tutorial we'll learn how to composite a Tornado and unique point of view using only still pictures. Then learn how to add even more effects like distant lighting and cloud twirling. You'll learn about the puppet tool, the camera's focus options and the endless possibilities of particles. Best of all, there are no external plugins are required! Twist and Shout!

114. Become a Storm Chaser � Day 2
In this two part tutorial we'll learn how to composite a Tornado and unique point of view using only still pictures. Then learn how to add even more effects like distant lighting and cloud twirling. You'll learn about the puppet tool, the camera's focus options and the endless possibilities of particles. Best of all, there are no external plugins are required! Twist and Shout!

115. Drop Some 3D Into AE � Day 1
In this tutorial we will take a brief look at integrating 3D physics into an After Effects project for a simple motion graphics piece. This is a beginners tutorial and pointed towards those taking there first steps in integrating 3DS Max (reactor) with After Effects.

116. Drop Some 3D Into AE � Day 2
In this tutorial we will take a brief look at integrating 3D physics into an After Effects project for a simple motion graphics piece. This is a beginners tutorial and pointed towards those taking there first steps in integrating 3DS Max (reactor) with After Effects.

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