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Actress Asha Sarath talk baout her Beautiful Skin beauty Secret
exture shift uneven skin tone, pigmentation issues - these are some of the changes your skin will undergo as you age. The bad news is that there is no magic potion to rectify these changes overnight. The good news is that you can take let your skin age gracefully. This is why we asked three of the top skin doctors in the country for their tips on how to maintain it as you age and tell us ideal skin care routine, best practices, and most effective ingredients for skin.
'Prevention is better than cure' is a phrase that perfectly fits for people in their 20s. As this age decides your future face, taking diligent care of the skin means fewer problems ahead. On the top of the list goes sun protection. UV rays cause 90 per cent of premature ageing, so it's better to slather on SPF 30 every day before stepping out.
If you have oily skin, another major issue you fight is your 20s is adult acne. "This is in common skin issue for oily skin as well as combination and sometimes with dry skin. Many young people, especially females in their 20s also have acne associated with hormonal imbalance called polycystic ovary disease (PCOD). This is also associated with excessive facial hair and pigmentation on the sides of the neck in addition to other medical problems," says Dr Sirisha Singh, dermatologist at The Skin Center, New Delhi. She recommends, "It is important to exercise regularly even if one is slim, eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, minimise the intake of easily digestible sugars like desserts and refined flour, and follow a regular cleansing, toning, moisturising routine. It is also important to use a face-pack made of fuller's earth twice a week to draw out the excess oil. If acne doesn't settle down, go for a proper treatment from dermatologist."
People with dry and combination skin types also suffer from an uneven skin tone and dull complexion. It happens due to poor lifestyle and lack of a regular skincare. A collection of dead cell layer on the skin is responsible for this problem. If skincare regime does not work out, consult a dermatologist who could prescribe a cream containing alpha hydroxy acids like glycolic acid or a retinoid to be used regularly at night. For more rapid improvement, chemical peels may be used.
Your ideal skin care routine: Use a sunscreen with a SPF of 30 or more regularly. Drink about 2 litres of water a day. Follow a regular CTM (cleansing, toning, moisturising) routine; exfoliate the skin twice a week with a gentle scrub. Pay attention to what you eat (consume plenty of fresh fruits and vegetable and cut down junk food at all cost). Sleep for at least 6-8 hours every night; relax with exercise or meditation.
Ingredients to look out: Anti-ageing products containing retinoids (tretinoin or retinol), alpha hydroxyl acids (glycolic acids), licorice or mulberry extracts can be started from mid-20s onwards and even earlier in some cases. Products containing vitamins like vitamin C or vitamin E are also very effective and can be started at an early age. It is important to understand that these ingredients are effective in the long term and it can take 6 months to see improvement.


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