So...The Week's End Is Here!

So...Den and I can be very lazy! We put off errands until we can't put them off any more. Today we needed to get this stuff done... landline phones and a bunch of other stuff we probably could live without. kneees are hurting and so are my ankles...Den has shoulder need Rothman and their sports medicine doctors.

T.J. Maxx...a quick run through for just never know when you will be lucky there! We found one set of 800 count ones...they are in the dryer now and feel yummy! We also found coffee is so delicious. The aisle on your way to the register is filled with yummy things! It's dangerous!

Trader Joe's...their pumpernickel bread and sour dough are our new faves. We also love their eggs and their turkey bacon...

Honey Glow...a new restaurant that only serves fresh and local stir fries and salads. Get this...there is no refrigerator order on a laptop and can customize anything. It was our first time we were AWKWARD...getting started. I ordered a Tuna White Bean Salad...Den had a Red Curry Stir Fry...both were amazing. So everyone told us to order the Honey Glow...fresh fruits topped with coconut or granola or chocolate chunks...some how either we goofed or they did and we ended up with a bowl of granola topped in coconut pieces! Unreal!


Reading these...

I haven't been reading tons this week...not sure why...sometimes it's sort of nice to have a book break!

The weekend is very low key...just football and popping something in the slow cooker...and getting a slice of carrot cake from Magnolia Bakery...a walk and perhaps lunch out?

See you on Monday!





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