This Book Could Be Dangerous To Your Sleep!

This book sneaked up on I mentioned's slow yet steady...has some sexy bits...has some freaky bits...but is such a good story. I woke up at 3:30 this morning and rather than just turning over and going back to sleep I reached for my Kindle...and read until 5:30 and finished is just a good story. It takes place in of the characters owns a bookstore...I love that real mysteries were mentioned as well as why to read them...and the books mentioned are mostly kind of older classics! I don't want to over analyze was just enjoyable! I can't believe I never read his work before. I have Den reading it now! sister Paula is coming's my bad that I would not let her come during this past awful year. But she is driving in tomorrow from McDonald, Ohio...the town we grew up in. She loves college football and yarn shops. She and her husband travel all over the world. She lives next door to her daughter and is always there for her four grandchildren...when she is in town. When she comes we are usually on the move all of the time. We like to pamper her and take her to yarn shops and out to dinner.

But...we will do all that but not dinner at night. Lunches are good but I am just not ready to go out to's the hair thing. She has been cooking all week and is bringing lots of surprises. It's her way to take care of me plus all of the hats she knitted me all year. I can't wait to see see family!

So...Den is recleaning her room...we always call it Paula's room. And he is recleaning her bathroom. We are ready for Paula!






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