Over The Weekend...


We prepped this in the afternoon on Saturday so that all we had to do on Saturday night was pop it in the oven...there are a million different versions of this...I used a combination of lots of them plus what I learned from my Italian mom. It's lasagna made out of pasta...so easy but with the taste of lasagna. I used a whole wheat fusilli and it was delicious! I filled it with a really good ricotta cheese and fresh mozzarella...yum! We even put halved meatballs in it! Homemade meatballs that were made by our incredible country butcher.


On Sunday we had this...the recipe is from Martha Stewart. It was made in my slow cooker and was delicious. Even though most of our food intake is not meat...my body needed meat this weekend! This was simple and so good.

Den and I have finally figured out that if dinner isn't something we can prep in the early afternoon...we are doomed! I am too tired to cook at the end of the day. As wonderful as Den is...he is a hesitant cook. If a pasta says cook for 8 minutes...it's what he does. He disappears downstairs to the kitchen and is lost there for hours! He just doesn't have natural instincts yet. I can't put him through this at the day's end because he is exhausted, too. We end up eating late, we are out of sorts and not happy. Cheerios, blueberries and bananas to the rescue! But not every night...

Books Read...

This book was soooooo good. A 17 year old girl disappears from the small town she and her newly divorced mom have moved to. The story is told by key characters who live in Sycamore. It was sad and amazing and beautifully written. I savored this book!

I could not read this one fast enough! Tons of people that I loved despising in this one...I could not stop reading it! It's not cherishable...but it was fun! Ponzi scheme fun!

A Few New Books...

From NetGalley and Edelweiss and Amazon Vine...
All quotes are from Amazon...

"Quinn�s determined struggle to piece together the puzzle compellingly drives the narrative onward, and readers on board for something thought-provoking will be hooked."


"A stunning star-crossed love story set against the glitz and grit of 1980s New York City..."

"From the New York Times best-selling author of The Middlesteins comes a wickedly funny novel about a thirty-nine-year-old single, childfree woman who defies convention as she seeks connection."

"In this second book of the series, Henrietta and Clive delightfully rewrite Pride and Prejudice�with a hint of mystery!"

"From the limitless imagination of Julie Kagawa comes the next thrilling novel in The Talon Saga.

The legions will be unleashed, and no human, rogue dragon or former dragonslayer can stand against the coming horde."

Love this series...love dragons!

What I Plan To Read This Week...

No clue! I have been really tired this week...so I have been reading a lot!

Some possible choices are...



What books and foods are you in the mood for this week?


Weary Patty

I have been told that fatigue is worse near the end of treatment so I am just trying to rest and deal with it...and not cry! This is a BIG CHEMO week and that scares me sooooo much! Sigh!



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