[#15th Aug] 15 August 2017 Celebration Ticket - India Independence Day 2017 Parade Tickets, Free Passes

15th Aug | 15 August 2017 Celebration Ticket:- Download 15 August Images and 15 August 2017 Speech from here. Book India Independence Day 2017 Parade Tickets and Passes from the given Venue Places. Book 71th Independence Day Parade Ticket and enjoy the Live Parade Show at Red Fort, New Delhi India. 15th August 1947 is the day when India became completely indecent and become a independent country. After that year every 15th of August this day is celebrated as a national holiday of India. This is the public holiday and on this day all government and private institutes and offices remain close. Every one wait for this day and celebrate the day with their own way. After the Independent country India were divided into India and Pakistan in 1947. India got this freedom in the non violence way. Gandhi Ji and many other freedom fighter follow the way of Non Violence to free India from British Shashan.

When India become free from British, then Nehru Ji was selected the first Prime Minister of India. He take plague on this day and motivate the country peoples with his motivational speech. India raised the national flag on Lahori Gate of The Red Fort New Delhi. After flag hosting, our Indian Army perform on Independence Day Parade and show their talent. After the 1947 this is a tradition to celebrate the Independence day with these all ways.

Every year a big celebration parade is organized at New Delhi Red Fort. Current Prime Minister give a speech on this day and tell the condition to the country peoples. This day is our national holiday so celebrate this national holiday with your friends and family and book your Independence Day 2017 Parade Tickets and get the 15 August Passes from the Ticket counter and places.

Check Here:- 15 August Speech
Also Check:- Independence Day Speech In Hindi
Don't miss:- 15 August Images

15 August 2017 Celebration Ticket - Parade Tickets 

India became the dependent country in 17th century. British Sashak make India his clutch because the have more powers and military strength in that time. After the first world war India government established his one act under the Indian National Congress Party, formed in 1885. Then many freedom fighters and country peoples start a fight against the Britisher. Here we tell you these all topics details:- 

  • When is Indian Independence Day 2017?
  • What Peoples Do on Indian Independence Day 2017?
  • Why Peoples celebrate India Independence Day?
  • When India Got Independence Day?
  • How To Celebrate 71th Independence Day 2017?
Now we describe these all question answer here. India celebrate their Independence day every year on 15th August. This is because India became a free country in 1947 on this day. On the day of Independence day peoples so many activities. In every sector this day have a different- different rules and celebration ways. Read further these all given question answers. 

India Independence Day 2017 Parade Tickets - Passes

Peoples celebrate the day by singing national anthem, Desh Bhakti Songs, Listing Patriotic Music, Watching Patriotic Movies, arranging parties and many other ways. Where as Schools children's celebrate this day by attending their school programs. In schools this day is celebrated by doing many programs and schools students participates on Independence Day Speech, Essay, Dance and many other competition and motivate their classmates. A schools rally is organized and students sing the Songs and Loud Naare and Slogans.

Peoples celebrate Independence Day because this is a day when all Indians free from the British Clutch and live their life by their own way. So this is the main reason to celebrate Indian Independence Day on 15th August. Next question answer is same as the first question answer. India got Independent on 15 August 1947. Now if you all are planning to celebrate the Indian Independence Day 2017, then in this site you will get some beautiful celebration ideas for celebrate this day. Make some new Facebook and Whatsapp DP and wish your social friends using 15 Aug status and Quotes. This is the awesome way to wish them on this day.

15 August 71th Independence Day 2017 Parade Passes 

Book 71th Independence Day Parade Tickets and enjoy the Live Parade at Red Fort New Delhi. This day celebration is the best celebration of the National festival. All country peoples celebrate this day with great joy. All Hindu, Muslims, Sikhs, Isai and other religion peoples celebrate this day with their friends. Peoples want to get some ideas for the Independence Day celebration and want the free passes for this day celebration.

Book your ticket from the official website of Independence Day celebration and also book from bookmyshow sites. I wish you all a Very Happy Independence Day 2017. Jai Hind, Jai Bharat. 

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