[#Quotes] 15 August (71th) Independence Day 2017 Famous Quotes In Hindi, Saying Thoughts, FB Status For Friends

[#Quotes] 15 August (71th) Independence Day 2017 Famous Quotes In Hindi:- First Download 15 August 2017 Images & 15 August Speech In Hindi For Teachers. Then get 71th Independence Day 2017 Quotes In Hindi and Saying Thoughts For friends. Make new 15 August FB Status and celebrate the national festival with us and your friends.  15 August 1947 is a national day which celebrate as mark nationhood of a nation. This nationhood is observed on national holiday. 15 August is country holiday event which celebrate in various place of India. Annually independence day is celebrate as birthday of freedom. On this day people look like happy and pleasured to live as independent. India independence day also called freedom day which up to 1947 celebrated its freedom on every 15 August. Independence day holiday is clearly mentioned in Gregorian calendar for each 15th of August. People observed it either independence day or historical/ memorial day of India. In 1947, the nation general assembly declared 15 August, the anniversary of the independence day.

Independence day has been marked with function, meeting, cultural programs, flag unfurl, exhibits about great leaders achievement and new goal for development of country. The Grand function of independence day is to be falls in capital of India. Celebration is often consider a hug show of cultural performance in the morning to afternoon over the nation. On this day individually all cultural programs will take place in Red Fort. A lot of people like to watch live show of independence day in Delhi. Check the given 71th Independence Day Quotes and Independence Day Famous Quotes In Hindi and English Language.

Don't Miss a chance to wish your friends on this day using 15 August Quotes In Hindi and Saying Thoughts. State schools and some another educational department also celebrate it in same manner. If we look on their ceremony then the independence day ceremony always recognized in same date, same time and with same manner. 8 Am is flag hoisting time. In all function of independence day national flag will be unfurled at that right time.
It is because anniversary is start after this tricolor flag hoisting. Why we hoist flag on this day? Answer is that the day is celebrate for India victory against British rules, Flag always fly either on the top of building or on ground flour which marked India victory. Share these all Independence Day Quotes In Hindi and 15 August Saying Thoughts With your friends.

Check Here:- 15 August Speech
Download:- 15 August Images
Don't Miss:- Independence Day Short Speech
Also Check:- Independence Day Speech In Hindi

71th Independence Day 2017 Famous Quotes In Hindi

India first independence day celebration was conducted in the year of 1947. Since 1947 this year India celebrate our 71 independence/ victory/ freedom day. Schooling boys and girls start their preparation for 71 India independence day celebration because its very near. TV channel staff also suit for independence day celebration which broadcast it 15 of August as grand show. By this program channel staff show their dedication for great leaders and also show their happiness for independence day country. Checkout these 71th Independence Day Quotes In Hindi and hope after like you will share these all Independence Day Famous Quotes In Hindi with your friends and will wish your classmates.

If look on these activities and dedication of people then you feel their importance. On this day traveling charges get lesser according to another day, some people organize plantation program. On this day every people want to do something for our country.

  •   Freedom was taken by the blood that was given.� Happy Independence Day 2017
  • �Freedom in the mind, faith in the words, pride in our souls� Lets Salute the nation�
  • �Feel proud to be an Indian celebrate 71th Independence Day.�
  • �Freedom isn�t free�. We remember and honor those who left us this great legacy.�
  • �Nothing is more precious than Independence and Liberty.�
  • �No matter the weather, lets celebrate Independence Day together.�

15 August 2017 Saying Thoughts By Freedom Fighters

Independence day of India step up in their next anniversary. Annually nation holiday 15 August is celebrate with great pomp in schools, colleges, universities, Institutes, government buildings and in Lahori Gate. In India gate the biggest rely of march passing is to be shown out by Indian army, School children etc. Thousand of people advance book their seats for watching them. India is very advance country which celebrate each occasion in advance manner.  

Here we are sharing wonderful collection of 15 August Saying Thoughts and Independence Day Thoughts By Freedom Fighters. Share our freedom fighter quotes and thoughts with your all friends and social sites friends. I think this is the best way and idea to celebrate this day.
  • �India conquered and dominated China culturally for 20 centuries without ever having to send a single soldier across her border!� � Hu Shih
  • �Long years ago, we made a tryst with destiny and now the time comes when we shall redeem our pledge� At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom.� � Jawaharlal Nehru
  • �We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made!� � Albert Einstein
  • �The best road to progress is freedom�s road.� � John F. Kennedy
  • �A hero is someone who understands the responsibility that comes with his freedom.� � Bob Dylan
  • �The greatest gifts you can give your children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence.� � Denis Waitley
  • �Nothing is more precious than independence and liberty.� � Ho Chi Minh

Indian Independence Day FB Status For Friends 

Celebrate Indian Independence Day on this year with great joy and wonderful way. This day is 227th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar and in India this day is celebrated for the Independence Day celebration. Every peoples of India want to update a new Status on Facebook and Whatsapp and want to show his/her lover for Indian Motherland. All peoples celebrate this day in Picnic Places, Malls, Picture Halls and also on social networking sites.

So here we are providing you all Indian Independence Day FB Status and Status for Facebook Friends. Hope you all use this given collection of 15 August FB Status and Quotes. Like comment and share this Independence Day Motivational Status on Facebook Whatsapp and other social sites.

15 August Quotes In Hindi | 15 August Thoughts In Hindi

Independence Day celebration is the celebration that is comes once a year and all religion peoples celebrate this day with their friends and classmates. Mainly schools students celebrate this day with their school friends and classmates. All schools students participates in school programs and entertain their parents, guest and teachers. Hope so you also plan a wonderful celebration party for this day. Check out this site for Independence Day Speech and for other wonderful stuff.  

Check out here 15 August Quotes In Hindi and 15 August Thoughts In Hindi and share these all wonderful saying thoughts on social sites. Using Facebook social sites you can wish your friends Happy 15th August. This is the best way and every one use now Days Facebook social sites. I wish you all a Very Happy Independence Day 2017. Jai Hind, Jai Bharat. 

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