[#Images] Happy Bhai Dooj 2017 Images, Wishes, Messages, Sms, Quotes, Status In Hindi English For FB Whatsapp Friends

Happy Bhai Tika/ Dooj/ Beej to all visitors. Check Bhai Dooj 2017 Advance Images and Happy Bhaiya Dooj Wishes In Hindi Photos Msgs & Avance Diwali Bhai Dooj Sms lines for social media applications like Facebook, Whatsapp, Hike ect.

Happy Bhai Dooj 2017 Images | Happy Bhai Dooj Images In Hindi

Bhai Dooj is an great festival of India. India's Hindu culture people celebrate it with different name( Bhai tika, Bhaudeej, Bhai Beej  and different style. Dhai dooj is a day which celebrate 2 days after main Diwali or Badi Diwali. The days of Bhai dooj is celebrate between Hindu Bhai Behan. Hindu cast brothers and sisters celebrate Bhai dooj same as raksha bandhan annually. Early one time we celebrate bhai dooj b/w real or relative brother and sisters. Bhaiya dooj such a huge celebrating festival which falls in the month of October or November. Last year it was celebrate first week of November, that means 1-11-2016. Bhai dooj observe in various state of India just like Goa, Bangal, Manipu, Nepal, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Gujarat, UK ect. Get max Bhai dooj 2017 advance Images for Brothers and Sisters. Bhai Dooj 2017 Images in Hindi are available here. Get it for wishing purpose.

According to Gregorian calendar it comes second day of dark fortnight(shukla paksha) either kartik(October) or Aghar(November). It is an festival which show the unbreakable love and snow between brother and sister. Bhai dooj is one of the most celebrating festival of India which is also called yama dutiya or Bhaiya Dooja. Bhai Dooj Images Download and wish to your all Whatsapp and Facebook friends.

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Don't Miss:- Happy Bhai Dooj Wishes

Happy Bhai Dooj Wishes In Hindi | Happy Bhai Dooj Wishes In English 

According to Hindu Panchang in 2017 bhai dooj is going to celebrate 21st of October. That really very good news for all brothers and sisters who celebrate this festival. It also famous for gift giving and receiving because brothers gave surprising gifts to their sisters and sisters receive them with smiley face. They feel glad for her brothers and fish for her brother with puja of little and elder brothers. As we know that it is a festival which celebrate for bro. and sis. Brothers plan some gorgeous surprising gifts for sisters whether they surprise their sisters. Bhai dooj is a festival with celebrated by both married and unmarried brothers and sisters. In this festival married sisters invite her brother to their laws house for the ceremony of Bhai Dooj. Check more available Bhai Dooj Wishes In Hindi English Marathi Tamil. Those people are use social media applications who need some advance activity in every festival they change their DP Status with festival Quotes and Sms Msgs ect. Here you will get Bhai Dooj 2017 Wishes 

India's every worshiping festival will celebrate with good timing/ Auspicious time/ Subh Muhurat. This year bhai dooj puja timing will start 1:15PM & ends 3:27PM. Afternoon timing will be declared for 2017 bhai dooj auspicious ceremony. Our team glad to wishing you a great happy Bhai dooj festival using these advance and new Diwali festival Bhai Dooj Images or Wishes.

Bhai Dooj 2017 Sms In Hindi | Bhai Dooj Status For FB

According to Hindu Panchang last day of Diwali which is called Bhai dooj is going to celebrate 21st of October, in India. This festival increase the love between brother and sister. Hindu religion celebrate Bhai Dhooj each and every year with great enthusiasm. If we compare this festival with another festival then it match with Raksha Bandhan. Which is a great festival of India. In this festival sisters pray for her brother long age, life and take fast till bhai tika ceremony termination. Bhai dooj or Bhai tika or bhai beej always observe either October or November. Bhai Dooj is also called Bhatra Dwitiy.  On this day behne pray for brother's longevity, robust/ healthy and bright future. With these good wishes sisters apply Chandan tika on the forehead of her brothers. Bhai Dooj 2017 Sms In Hindi are available here check Bhai Dooj Status For FB and share these stuff with your social media connected friends, cousins, neighbors, family members and another relatives. 

Bhai Dooj Puja Thal Decoration Materiyal

  1. Copper/ brass/ steel puja thal
  2. Copper/ brass/ steel/ earthen Diya(lamp)
  3. mustard oil/ Ghee
  4. cotton thread
  5. Little bit wholegrain/ unbroken  rice
  6. Roli/ chandan/ seven color tika
  7. Moli/ Raksha Sutra
  8. Sweets
  9. water less coconut/ dry coconut

Bhai Dooj Puja Vidhi

  • Firstly sisters wake up early morning and take bath.
  • Then she perform god Vishnu and Ganesha puja.
  • Hereafer they perform bhai tilak and do whole reliable ceremony of Bhai dooj.
  • Bhai dooj ceremony always perfome according to religion.
  • Different kind of people celebrate it in own way.
  • Tika Bhai Dooj tika ceremony.
  • After taking bath brother and sisters sit face to face on aasan.
  • Sister sit with puja thal.
  • Firstly she do tika.
  • Secondly she perfome aarti.
  • Then offer sweets.
  • Brother sit with Gifts like money, chocolates, statue gifts, teddies, clothes ect.
  • After the completion of Bhai dooj ceremony they offer them to their sisters with a lovable hug.
  • Also give promise to his sisters for protection/ Security.   

Happy Bhai Dooj 2017 Status In Hindi | Bhai Dooj Quotes Hindi 

One of the most important thing of this festival is that, whether sisters feed/ cater their brother of their hands then she increase the age of Brothers Sms In Hindi. festival celebrate between both married and unmarried brother sister. Married sisters invite their brother on breakfast/ lunch/ dinner. Some brothers feel alone on this festival because they can't have any sister. If this type of brothers eating something by contemplate cow or river or in the front or side of them then its good/ propitious/ auspicious. 2017 auspicious timing of bhai tika ceremony is 1:19 Pm to 3:36 Pm that is too late. Those sisters take fast before bhai tika who hold their fast still shub muhurat starting time. Check Bhai Dooj Quotes In Hindi and update your social media application to wish your friends & relatives. 

Bh@i D00j k@ h@i ty0h@r,
Behen m@nge bh@i se rupee h@z@r,
Til@k l@g@ k@r, mith@i khil@ k@r,
Deti @@shirw@d khush r@h0 h@r b@r,
H@ppy Bh@i D00j!

Ne@r 0r f@r wherever y0u @re,
My best wishes @re with y0u,
Tum jiy0 h@z@r0n s@@l,
M@y success @nd j0y be y0urs every d@y,
Yeh hi meri wish dil se.
H@ppy Bh@i D00j

Behen ch@he bh@i k@ py@@r,
N@hin ch@hiye usse k0i meheng@ uph@r,
Risht@ yeh py@r@ r@he s@diy0n t@k @tut,
Mere py@re bh@iy@ k0 mub@r@k h0 Bh@i D00j

We g@in @nd l00se things every d@y
But trust me 0n 0ne thing
Y0u will never l0se me
I'll @lw@ys be here f0r y0u
H@ppy Bh@i D00j

Y0u @re @lw@ys my best friend,
l00king 0ut f0r me, m@king sure
the p@th I tr@velled 0n w@s sm00th.
Even if I se@rched in the w0rld,
there c@nn0t be @ better br0ther th@n y0u.
H@ppy Bh@i D00j.

T0 the 0utside w0rld we @ll gr0w 0ld,
but we kn0w e@ch 0ther @s we @lw@ys were.
We kn0w e@ch 0ther's he@rt.
We live 0utside the t0uch 0f time.

In l0ve @nd l@ughter,
In p@in @nd h@ppiness, I h@ve @ g00d c0mp@ni0n
@nd th@t's y0u my br0ther
L0ve filled wishes 0n Bh@i D00j!

Bh@i D00j Wishes f0r br0ther
Sky is blue, feel this hue,
My l0ve is f0r y0u bh@iy@ is @lw@ys true.
L0@ds 0f g00d wishes f0r Bh@i D00j.

Happy Bhai Dooj 2017 Messages In Hindi English For FB Whatsapp Friends 

Celebrate bhaiya dooj with your own, relative or neibour bhai. Decorate bhai dooj puja thali in proper manner. Bhai dooj is a day of Yam puja. First time bhai dooj was celebrated in between Surya and Chhaya daughter, son(Yam & Yamuna). The value of Bhai dooj will spread in the entire world. India is a land of festival and India's bhai dooj festival based on folklore, Story of Yam(Yamraj) and Yami(Yamuna) describe the bhai dooj celebration and happiness. Celebrate bhai dooj with great enthusiasm. The bhai dooj celebrate is very close to us enjoy this. Wish you your brother and sisters by using these latest Bhai Dooj Messages(Msgs) In Hindi .  Enjoy these bhai dooj advance collection for wishing purpose. 


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