Astro Tips to Spice Up VALENTINE'S DAY

With just a little bit of effort and an open, positive attitude, you can take your love life to a whole new level. On this Valentine's Day spice up your love life with slight efforts and some astrological tips 

Aries. ore open in love. romance and sex and they are exciting lovers too. This lime you can express yourself through love. Regardless of whether you are in a stable relationship. whether you prefer free love. Also. it is advisable not to tell the unvarnished truth. Fights encourage the best sort of making up. Open up and express your feelings to your partner tel/them that you need time away sometimes. 

Gift for her: 
A charm bracelet with your names engraved in a heart will thrill her to her toes. 

Gift for him: Gaming consoles and video games are great gift ideas for guys of this zodiac.
Love Tip: Pay attention to what is being said and not to what you think is being said. 

Physical pleasures. sensual touch and love are of highest of importance to this sign. When Taurus finds them stuck in a relationship. they will shut down. If the weather does not permit watching a beautiful sunset. a quiet snuggle in a cosy place can be heaven. II is suggested don't be complicated: life is too short note keep things simple.

Gift for her: Something elegant and expensive - jewellery like neck piece or earring would be the best gifting idea. 

Gift for him: Belts. wallets or leather bracelets excellent gift choices for Taurus men. 

Love Tip: Holding on 100 light will suffocate your partner. learn to trust and allow the beauty of the relationship to blossom. 

GEMINI: Geminis love to communicate and learn new things; they are also restless in relationships and often get bored and look outside the relationship for excitement. This is your opportunity to light the fires of passion. Do something unexpected and exciting. The biggest gift you can give a love interest is your full attention. 

Gift for her: You can gift her with pearls and roses. also if you're giving chocolates. make sure it's in her diet plans. 

Gift for him: Gifting them holiday tickets to the avid travellers Gemini's would be the best gifting idea. 

Love Tip: It's not always greener on the other side and your love for excitement could be you Just spicing up the inner you in your relationship and encouraging your partner with new ideas. 

CANCER: Cancerians love home. family and relations and they love to love and be loved. Sometimes they become too emotional and their partner is annoyed by what sets them off as Cancers are highly sensitive. As their mood changes they hide their feelings as not to hurl their partner. keeping their feelings inside. The idea of being in love can override good sense. A pint of ice cream might be your best friend tonight .. 

Gift for her: The best gifting idea for you would be a silver studded zircon sparkling ring. 
Gift for him: One of the best gifts you can present to your partner is a long love letter. Put down your feelings for him in words in your own hand and express what love means to you. 

Love Tip: Stay centred; give others the benefit of doubt. Allow them into your secret hide-away-and love will endure. 

LEO: Leos. are social beings and love affection. adoration and love comes naturally to them. Leo loves to be pampered by her partner. however. Leo needs to tend to her partners feelings and not overtook what is important to their partner. Your megawatt confidence and cheerful altitude light up any room. Vivacious Leo is never single for long. Dress your best and be on the prowl. 

Gift for her: The Lioness loves gold and gems. but if it doesn't reflect her style. a simple cord and a CD of her favourite music would be a better option. 

Gift for him: A part from fine wines. exclusive antiques are yet another gift option if you ore looking to impress your Leo man. 

Love Tip: II time to make time for your partner that is why partners have come and gone prior. Learn to listen to that special request from your partner; it will make a difference in your love life. 

VIRGO: Virgos are romantic. sexual. coring. and all without ego. They do not like confrontations of any kind. They ore good when it comes to figuring out complex situations in the relationship. Yet. all this takes a toll on their emotions. Eliminate distractions. shower. put on a skimpy outfit. and set the mood with music. 

Gift for her: A simple" promise ring" is good. Even better. go out shopping together and buy one for each other. 

Gift for him: Games and activities which demand close and unwavering attention can make the base of ideal gifts for Virgo men; for instance you can go for playing cards. 

love Tip: Meditate rather than worry. Try not to be too critical of yourself anc others. Take time for yourself. too. 

LIBRA: If the balance is not right in the relationship. the Libra will work to make it so. Librans have a hard time making a decision whether it's about a romantic hideaway or just a simple question. Whatever you like. best can spark a night of romance out of your favourite steamy novel. 


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