Friday Things...

Last night on the news with Brian Williams there was a segment on chemotherapy and fatigue. The focus was a 27 year old opera singer...who was beautiful. She had Stage Four breast cancer. I immediately felt as though she was a kindred spirit...she wore a knitted hat pulled down hides missing eyebrows...but she had eye makeup on...which I haven't done even though I did buy tons of false eyelashes but haven't used them yet. The point of her story was that she worked out every day to help with fatigue...she ran or walked or did yoga...but she fought through the fatigue...which is something I don't do enough of. My 10 to 15 minutes is nothing compared to her level of working out. Sigh!

I have also sort of put myself in self imposed isolation. I talk to friends and family but I haven't seen anyone in a long time. I haven't even let my sister or brother and sister in law come here. Some weeks certain counts were low and I couldn't see anyone. But much of it is just me. I need to do this on my own. I can't entertain anyone and sometimes I don't want to talk to anyone. Recovery is hard and sad and exhausting. Mostly I am positive and ok...sometimes I am not. My blogger friends...your virtual hugs and your kind words...I can't begin to tell you how much they mean to me. I want to heal while not burdening anyone...except


I actually stopped reading this just was not a book I was enjoying in spite of its good reviews.

I am reading this instead...light and funny.

Not sure what I real read next...but I think it's time for a fantasy! It actually snowed here for about 10 minutes while the sun was shining. We are supposed to have a really cold week end and then in the 60's again next week. Our cherry tree is in bloom!

Have a great week end!






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