One More OMG!

I don't know what it's doing outside...I think it's raining and it's supposed to keep this up until 6:00. The local news channels have commandeered every channel with relentless chatter about the weather. How many times can you see the same intersection covered in this sleety mess? Now they insist on going block by block and neighborhood by neighborhood! I can't stand it any more...seriously! Ususally the TV is background noise for me but today it is simply annoying! The only good thing is that we still have power...but we have a long day ahead of us.

After being so excited about the book Small Hours...the minute I read the first page I realized I had already read my own defense it was an ebook with no cover! I rarely make a mistake like this but I think I read so much that sometimes it's bound to happen...especially when an edoc comes without the real book cover. The minute I read or rather reread the first page of Small Hours I wondered why there were two books with 3 year old twin girls going out to breakfast with their dad while the mother worked frantically to meet a deadline...and then it hit me...sigh! But at least the book sounded really good to me...twice!

Reading this...I will probably spend my day with it. I loved her first book...skipped her second one...and love this one. I needed a tart crisp apple yesterday because of it. It takes place in Wisconsin's Door County.

Finally feeling more like me...Neulasta hit my body hard this weekend...the only way to explain it is just a lack of motivation and a weariness and aches in every part of my body...unbearable aches. Den did everything this week end...he cleaned the entire house until it gleamed...he did all of my laundry...he folds everything so beautifully...all I have to do is put it away...and he provided a strong shoulder for me to cry on. That's my Den. Today I feel more normal! Whew!

Have a great day!







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