The wisdom of yoga being one of the most ancient spiritual traditions on the planet, also helps attract love in life, helps to heal past wounds and to live a more nurturing life.
   When you are practising partner yoga, an energetic cord extends from your energy body to your partner. When you love another person with your heart, you tend to manifest your affection through this energetic cord. This love empowers both, increasing intimacy. It is permissive and non- judgemental. While you support your partner in their asanas, you feel loved and supported.
   Love attracts love. Yoga helps you find yourself in a new light, free from false ideas and stereotypes. You can find love in yourself through Yoga, and when you do so, you begin to receive love from others. The practice will help you connect better with your partner, it will enable you to be gentler with yourself and your partner.
   Finally, remember to say thank you in advance to your partner for their love and assistance. Express gratitude to build trust.
There are various poses for couples to try. You and your partner can simply assist each other and make adjustments to put each other at ease. Here are some options you could try: 

This is a gentle asana to connect with your partner. It helps open the heart and is an easy way to control breathing.
With your back resting against your partner, spine touching, sit in an easy cross legged position. Rest your hands on your thighs.
Allow yourself to feel connected with your partner through inhalations and exhalations.
Start breathing alternately with your partner. So as you inhale, he exhales; as he inhales, you exhale. Practice for three minutes.

Twists help cleanse the body and assist in the detoxifying process. This is also a fun way to initiate playfulness with your partner.
Start in a seated position with legs crossed and your spines touching each other. Inhale and raise your arms over the head. Now hold your partner's hand in that position to lengthen the spine.
Exhale and twist to the right, bringing your right hand to the inside of your partner's left knee and your left hand to the outside of your right knee or thigh. Your partner should mirror the movement.
Hold for five breaths, then exhale, untwist and repeat on the opposite side.

This asana helps build concentration. It is a great way to increase focus on each other and improve love life balance. 
Begin by standing a few feet apart with your partner facing the same direction. Bring palms toward each other with the arms in aT-shape, or draw the elbows and palms together in a cactus shape.
Begin to shift the weight onto your right foot and draw the left leg into tree pose by bending the knee and bringing foot to the ankle, calf or inner thigh of the other leg.
Your partner will shift the weight onto his or her left foot and bring the right foot to the ankle, calf or inner thigh.
Help to balance each other for five breaths, then release and turn around to face the opposite direction and repeat.

This asana will help stretch your body perfectly. This is a tandem position where you and partner will stretch with the help of each other. 
Begin with your partner in downward facing dog.
Then place your feet in between your partner's hands and lower yourself onto your partners back.
Then stretch your arms overhead and give yourself a lovely backbend here.
Hold for several breaths and swap places.

This asana will open up your heart to your partner and will help improve understanding. 
Sit opposite each other with your legs extended in a V-shape.
Bring the soles of your feet together, extend your arms toward each other, hold opposite arm to palm.
Inhale as you lengthen your spine and as you exhale start to bend forward with your heart moving towards your partner rather than moving downward.
Hold for five breaths.
This pose also helps improve understanding and trust between couples. 
Start by facing each other, standing with feet hip width apart,
As you inhale extend your arms above your head and begin to fold forward.
Once your hands touch with your partner keep folding forward, bringing forearms and hands to rest against each other.
Rest your weight against each other and release your chest and beUy.
Hold for five breaths.
This pose when done with a partner is good to increase intimacy. This is the perfect time to gaze into each other's eyes. 
Start with sitting on opposite sides of the mat and join the legs together by holding the hands outside your hips.
Keeping your spine straight, raise your legs and put your soles together. Try to find balance as you straighten your legs up to the sky.
You can start practicing this pose by straightening only one leg at a time, till you find the balance.
Hold for 5 breaths, and slowly lower your legs and let your hands go to release the pose .�



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