I'm Home! My Day Away!

I always think that I am going to read so much during Big Chemo but I never do...I am either distracted by TV and Den in close proximity or I am twitching all over from the benedryl infusion. Today it was all three. I can also get distracted by the people getting treatment...you can sort of tell where they are in their treatment by their faces...some have that scared look, others seem resigned...some are just quiet...munching on snacks or reading. It is not a very big room and the individual rooms are nice...they are sweetly private and the Wednesday People have there favorite spots. Den has a fave corner one and he will enter first while I sign in and put our stuff on our chairs until we are officially allowed in. He doesn't push elderly people out of the way...yet...but he does love that corner spot. I am surprised he doesn't bring a Bronco picture to hang on the wall. Sigh!

Today a lady with no hair was sitting waiting for treatment. She looked beautiful and not sad and I thought...I can never do that. How can she show her head to everyone when I can't even go to the store with a hat on? I will be thinking about this one for a long time.

Today we brought everyone yummy pies...apple and cherry. Den and I nibble on popcorn and Kind bars...we watch TV, try to read, and we chat...I get these great little pep talks from my much loved nurses. I am still just a little scared of my oncologist but I know he will never lie to me and will always advise me and help me make the right choices.

The moment we walked in our door I showered, changed, sat up in bed with my Kindle...and fell asleep. I woke up at 6:30PM not knowing where I was or what day it was! Yikes! Of course kitties were all over me...we missed their dinner time by an hour...they were properly upset.

I bought a new top at Big Chemo...well not at Big Chemo...but while I was there...thanks, Den!

I am so unhungry...Cheerios and strawberries will be my dinner!

This book...is so good...it's like reading an old Jane Green...she got her mojo back!

Ok...I am still exhausted...a little hungry...and ready for Survivor!






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