
Our weekend was a quiet one...and that was fine...we talked about the funny quirkiness of our moms...we read...and we watched the antics of the newly hatched baby geese. We watched the Boston marathon movie...which was sad but inspirational and really really good.

It was a Nuelasta weekend but thanks to pain meds it was ok...and right now I am sipping tea while I prep to work out. Thank God Nuelasta pain is predictable...a shot on Thursday but by Monday joint and muscle pain is gone...whew! One more to go! Yea, Patty! I can do this! I love cheering myself onward!


I just finished this and it was ok...a good ok...kept my interest...lots of food references...a totally dysfunctional family...perhaps too much dysfunction to be totally believable...but a good kind of book for a Nuelasta weekend.

New books! All from Edelweiss...all interesting...I love every cover!

Off to work out...more about the books later...

Have a great day!






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