So...I Am Still Tired...But...


I just keep trying to tell myself that I will get my energy back oncologist says that within 90 days after stopping Big Chemo...I will start to feel better! I am holding on to that thought by my fingertips.


Now I introduce you to a series of random thoughts brought on by something called "chemobrain"...

I know people either love cats or don't love unimaginable thought to me although I never knew a cat ever until I met Den who brought his Siamese to our wedding where my parents fell in love with her and kept her forever...anyway...I am giving you a sample of "chemobrain"...I can aimlessly chatter and then start to cry. It drives Saint Den crazy and then I end up laughing and we both end up laughing and then I start to cry all over again!

Mostly it starts like this...

Remember when we went to concerts?

Remember when we traveled?

Remember when we used to eat out at restaurants?

Remember when I could wear all the clothes I am buying and stockpiling because we had so many places to go?

Or I might say to him...when I was little my next door neighbor was an elderly lady named Mrs. Streeter...she had a cat named Momma Kitty...why would anyone name a cat Momma? you think Momma was her first name and Kitty was her last name? Do you? At this point he is barely listening to me...

OMG! I am making myself crazy! dear blogger what I put Den through daily...The remember when's are different but...the pattern is the same!


Finished this but haven't started a new one yet...but I will!


Have a happy lovely weekend!



These two are my guardians...I know their little kitty hearts watch over me...if I am in bed they are always in these spots...behind my head...

In my lap...




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