

This one was really fascinating but near the end I just wanted this book to end.


And this...I don't think I even mentioned this comes from my stash of paper arcs. It was good...another dysfunctional twin book.

I looked at this and then put it down...again.

I continue to read this but it certainly isn't a speedy kind of reading experience...

I started far it's kind of weirdly oddly interesting.


I think I was numb this week...I still am. A old teacher friend suffered a stroke like illness. I talked to another teacher friend who is in recovery from cancer. I tried to live up to my own expectations of what I should be doing now. I failed...I am still fatigued and trying to recover.


Hmmmm...the places I went this week!

Literally nowhere exciting...I organized a section of my closet and found tons of tees that I forgot I owned. I changed out the kitty beds...they are still fighting over one bed. I stayed downstairs more. I started a new Netflix series. I made a great salad dressing...Honey Dijon. I checked out all of the flowers all around the house. I watched a stupid boy band show. I watched The Bachelorette. I watched So You Think You Can Dance. I watched The Real Houseives Of New York. All of these are mindless things that I should not waste time on but sometimes I need mindless. I watched my hair try to grow. I helped Den organize one kitchen cabinet. I tried to stay calm. I tried to be happy. I colored. I read. I played games. I actually slept through the night all week. I walked for 16 minutes straight on my treadmill. I worked out with weights.

Next week I hope to have better adventures. Next week I hope to have adventures!

See you on Monday!






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