Let's Talk Furniture!

Why oh why did we buy leather furniture?

Leather furniture was something Den and I both thought we would love to have in the family room. We bought it this past fall...tried to live with it...and just before spring we moved it all into the living room. It looks awesome there but no one is using it. That's even better! The cats don't jump on it, sun doesn't shine on it and people don't slide their purses with huge buckles across it...making us cringe!

It's perfect tucked away in the living room!

Luckily I always slipcover our old family room furniture in white slipcovers for the summer and that's what is in the family room now. It's comfy and the kitties can jump on it and sun can hit it and I love it. I've always loved it.

So...the plan is that we will get new family room furniture in the fall but it won't be leather. No way...no leather...ever!

So now...we have too work on Den's study. His desk is too small...he wants more shelves and he hates his chair! We still need to find a refrigerator! The first one didn't fit...the second one that would fit was a brand that scared us...Maytag...so now we are looking again.

That's why we are talking furniture! I now own 4 sofas! It would have been 5 but we gave an Ethan Allen sofa that was in Den's study to Habitat For Humanity. How do these things happen? I have a Harden Cherry Sofa stored in our basement! Help!

And here is the thing about Den's study...it was perfect until he decided to change everything around...granted it is his study but it was perfect! Just enough sports memorabilia to make him happy...or so I thought. The rest of the room was western...a massive southwestern painting...and everything else arranged just so...according to my standards...and before you think "poor Den" poor Den does not have an eye for arranging things. His study is in a separate part of the house so I don't often walk by but yesterday I did...he has old football pictures leaning against wall frames...a Bronco towel on the back of a Mission rocker...and even more indiscretions!

And now we get to the basement. Den has managed to do so much without me but it's time for me to step in and start going through those basement treasures. Stuff I couldn't live without...is now in boxes and bins! Treasures from every state we lived in...how do I deal with it all? Den has put up tons of shelves and we are organizing everything on the shelves. Then we will go through it all for giveaways. It's just that I want it done now! Sigh!


That is my furniture rant. I need to get strong enough to get started!

















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