Import Mobile Phone from China Custom Duty in Pakistan

Import Mobile Phone from China Custom Duty in Pakistan

If you want to know the custom duty on mobile phones in Pakistan in year 2016 than you find the right page. We all know that Amazon, Ebay and other USA online shopping sites do not ship to Pakistan and hence we are in the middle of no where. But thanks to and other Chinese sites that they ship to Pakistan with some free shipping and custom duty. Good thing is that most of the small items(less than $20) are cleared quickly from Customs and you don�t even have to pay custom duty. No documentation is required when it comes to accessories and item will be shipped at your door step without paying extra cost.

But it�s a different story when it comes to importing mobile phones in Pakistan. You have to face long clearance time and documentation process(in case of China Mail). DHL and Fedex may deliver product to you quickly and without the hassle of visiting custom office(or GPO) but they will charge more money than normal AliExpress Standard shipping rates.

without custom

Main Requirements for Import

  1. You cannot import second hand mobile(even box open)
  2. You cannot import Duplicate(copy) mobile phone.

Import Mobile Phone via China Post Air Mail

First of all find a hot deal on and make sure that seller has good reputation and sales. Don�t trust on sellers with less sales and rating as you will face many hurdles. After finding the deal check that is it applicable to ship in Pakistan and what is the shipping cost. This is the cost you have to pay initially so that your product can be shipped to Pakistan. It�s good Patrice to first communicate with seller and ask him few questions like whether they will pay the custom fee or not. Also told them to mark your product as gift other wise get ready for number of taxes. It�s good to opt for tracking number as it will cost you $2 more but at the end of the day you will be in peace of mind.
import from china

Now that your product is shipped to Pakistan it will be handed over to custom for clearance. Soon they will send you a letter(may take 7 to 15 days) saying that we have got your product. It�s time for you to visit the GPO or where your product is being held by customs and they will provide you mobile IMEI number. After taking mobile IMEI number you have to take NOC letter from PTA(form can be obtained from outside GPO) against it. After filling the form send it to PTA and with in three working days your NOC will be send on your home address.
It�s time for you to submit this NOC to customs with 1000 rupees fee and sales tax. Congratulations you just learned how to easily import smart phone from China.

What about DHL, Fedex and other courier services

Unlike China Post Air Mail DHL, Fedex and other courier services handle and clear customs for you. But for this they will take charges from you. When custom will receive your product in Pakistan these courier services will email you and you have to upload your invoice copy and Nadra ID card copy from internet. You don�t need to visit any office physically which is the plus point. But again this process may take 3 to 10 days and from this you have to pay extra store charges as well as handling charges. So at the end of the day in some cases you will be paying more money for a product which is available in Pakistan so I generally prefer China Post Air Mail, Singapore and Hongkong Post Air Mail.
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