Project Management for Business Engineering and Technology

BOOK TITLE : Project Management for Engineering, Business, and Technology
Authors : John M Nicholas and Herman Steyn
Edition : Fourth Edition
Publishers : Wiley-Blackwell
ISBN-10 : 0080967043
ISBN-13 : 978-0080967042
Total No Pages : 746
Total No Chapters : 5
Book File type : PDF
File size : 5.52 MB
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Contents :
� Introduction
� Characteristics of Power Generation Units
� Economic Dispatch of Thermal Units and Methods of Solution
� Transmission System Effects
� Unit Commitment
� Generation with Limited Energy Supply
� Hydrothermal Coordination
� Production Cost Models
� Control of Generation
� Interchange of Power and Energy
� Power System Security
� An Introduction to State Estimation in Power Systems
� Optimal Power Flow

Description :
This new edition is a direct response to the ever-growing need for better project management which covers the basics, but also addresses more-technical topics in much greater depth than any other book. Case studies and examples from engineering and technology projects are utilized to prepare technical and business students for management positions in technical fields. It's thorough yet accessible approach makes this text an ideal resource and reference for anyone studying or practicing project management within engineering or business.

� Includes case studies, examples and background on managing business, engineering, and technology projects to add context for specialists and prepare business students for managing projects in technical industry.

� New edition features closer alignment with PMBOK terms and definitions, simplified chapter summaries, several new case studies throughout, and expanded coverage of communication and leadership issues such as conflict resolution and the management of distributed teams

� Extensive instructor support materials, including a test bank of questions and answers, PowerPoint slides, case studies and links to further reading, when you log in to Elsevier's textbook site

About the Author :
John Nicholas is professor of operations and project management and former associate dean of the Graduate School of Business at Loyola University Chicago. He is an active teacher, writer and researcher in project management and manufacturing management, conducts executive seminars and consults on project management and process improvement. He has authored numerous academic and technical publications and led projects for companies such as Lockheed-Martin Corporation, Bank America and Argonne National Laboratory. He has a BS in aeronautical and astronautical engineering, an MBA in operations research from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, and a PhD in industrial engineering and applied behavioral science from Northwestern University.

Herman Steyn, PhD, is professor in the Graduate School of Technology Management, University of Pretoria, South Africa where he specializes in project management He has been involved in project management in industry since 1975, has managed a variety of large and small engineering projects (system, product, and process development) in the minerals, defense and nuclear industries, and has also managed project portfolios. In 1996 he was appointed to his current position at the University of Pretoria where he initiated a masters' program in project management; currently the only Masters' program in Project Management on the African continent that is accredited by the PMI (USA). He also initiated and coordinates a comprehensive continuing-education program in project management that has been attended by more than 4000 people from 1997 to 2008. Besides teaching graduate courses, consulting, and conducting research in project management, over the last decade Herman has conducted more than 100 seminars and workshops on project management.

Review :
'I have long considered this text by far the best'
-Prof Charles Thompson, Industrial Engineering & Management Sciences, Northwestern University, USA.


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