Statistical Quality Control by Douglas C Montgomery

BOOK TITLE : Statistical Quality Control
Authors : Douglas C Montgomery
Edition : Seventh Edition
Publishers : John Wiley & Sons
ISBN-10 : 1118146816
ISBN-13 : 978-1118146811
Total No Pages : 754
Total No Chapters : 16
Book File type : PDF
File size : 5.91 MB
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Contents :
� Quality improvement in the modern business environment
� The dmaic process
� Modeling process quality
� Inferences about process quality
� Methods and philosophy of statistical process control
� Control charts for variables
� Control charts for attributes
� Process and measurement system capability analysis
� Cumulative sum and exponentially weighted moving average control charts
� Other univariate statistical process monitoring and control techniques
� Multivariate process monitoring and control
� Engineering process control and spc
� Factorial and fractional
� Factorial experiments for process design and improvement
� Process optimization with designed experiments
� Lot-by-lot acceptance sampling for attributes
� Other acceptance-sampling techniques

Description :
This new edtion provides comprehensive treatment of the major aspects of using statistical methodology for quality control and improvement.


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