The CRC Handbook of Thermal Engineering by Frank Kreith

BOOK TITLE : The CRC Handbook of Thermal Engineering
Authors : Frank Kreith
Edition : Latest Edition
Publishers : Springer Publication
ISBN-10 : 3662131560
ISBN-13 : 978-3662131565
Total No Pages : 1192
Total No Chapters : 5
Book File type : PDF
File size : 8.46 MB
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Contents :
� Engineering Thermodynamics
� Fluid Mechanics
� Heat and Mass Transfer
� Applications
� Numerical Analysis and Computational Tools

Description :
This book is unique in its in-depth coverage of heat transfer and fluid mechanics including numerical and computer methods, applications, thermodynamics and fluid mechanics. It will serve as a comprehensive resource for professional engineers well into the new millennium. Some of the material will be drawn from the "Handbook of Mechanical Engineering," but with expanded information in such areas as compressible flow and pumps, conduction, and desalination.


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