
I would think that every time I walk it would get easier and easier. But that doesn't seem to be the case. Sometimes my body aches and I just want to sit down. What I love about this walking trail is that just when I think I need to sit...just for a minute...there is a bench. I need the benches less and less but sometimes...I just need a bench! Den walks the trail 4 times while I still walk it about 1 and a quarter times. But...I try for a little more every day.

When we come home after our walk we are both in a swirl of activity. Tidying rooms, laundry, dinner prep. I like to get dinner ready because I am still too tired to think about it later in the day. I am not ready to go out to dinner's the hair situation. So prepping early works for me. We've been having yummy salad like sandwiches for lunch...local tomatoes and other veg are awesome right now. Today I made a French Yogurt cake. I found the recipe on Food 52. It's like a yellow vanilla cake. Den is over the top excited about eating this. It smells amazing. This is the photo from Food 52 but my cake looks just like it.



I am reading this still. It's about twins who have strange powers/gifts that their mother has been trying to keep hidden. The writing is lovely and it's too easy to get lost in this book. The sisters can "gleam"...their magic comes out in glass blowing and music...I know this sounds so weird but it's actually what makes this book so addictive...their "gleaming" must be hidden...or else!

Against my better judgement I am reading two sort of fantasy/dystopian books at a time...

I am actually going to start this one...just to balance everything out. I need to read something sort of realistic!





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