Nothing Hurts! And Books!


Today I am finally out of my Neulasta Slump! My body just aches after that Neulasta's not's just body aches that make me want to just stay still...and a weariness that makes me feel sorry So...I call my sister and cry...I hate doing it...but then soon we are talking about my parents and laughing. My sister Paula told me that she is more aware of ladies going through the same issues that I am going through. She is vacationing in Florida and saw a lady wearing a "chemo" cap like mine. She wanted to go to her and just say something...anything...encouraging...but she didn't want to bother her. That made us both think that if it was our mom...well...our mom would have gone to that lady and hugged her and told a complete stranger that she was in her prayers. That was our mom! Our mom went to Mass every day and prayed for everyone! I could call my brothers and cry, too, but it would just make them feel awkward. So my sister is my shoulder to cry on. Sorry, Paula! Oh...I do cry to girlfriends and my sisters in law, too...but Paula gets the biggest share of tears. I really don't cry often...just after Big Chemo and's bad for a few days and then I can be almost normal for over two weeks...hairless but normal! Advantages? My legs are silky smooth and my eyebrows don't need tweezing!


Reading's fantasy fiction and I am captivated by the cover. This is a new author and other fantasy fiction authors that I love are raving about this book.


Also reading this...on my Kindle...because I randomly started it and I have to have a Kindle book for reading in the dark!

My fave "chemo" cap...lightweight...easy to wear...I have every color! But I still miss my hair!








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