For some reason lately I am besieged and overrun lately by requests to read new author books. It makes me sad to say no...I always try to write these authors back and wish them luck...but in my self imposed exile I really just want to read the books that I love...I know new authors need a voice but I don't have that voice...and it is it's amazing that they would even ask...the match is just so can someone think I would read a self help book when I have never self helped anything in my entire life? I am so not a self helper. Ick...
On the other hand...the publishers and authors and publicists that I have a relationship with? I just read these books sort of non my self imposed exile. These books are suited to me...I mostly love them...and pick up the next one the moment I put down a finished book. Yum!
I almost can't wait to start a new book...
So...with all that said...this book has me puzzled...central character Merilee was far too innocent...central character Miss Sugar was far too nosy...Miss Sugar was Merilee's landlady but was always in her rental house complaining about something or baking cookies. I strongly dislike flashbacks and there were lots of flashbacks. Everything leading up to the ending was just unplausible. So...I think I didn't love this book. And yet I sort of enjoyed it...hmmm.
Starting this one now...
From NetGalley And Amazon...
"Trophy Son brings Conroy's The Great Santini and Malamud's The Natural into the present day...A terrific book." -Harlan Coben

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