A TextBook of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machine by Dr R K Bansal

A TextBook of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machine by Dr R K Bansal
BOOK TITLE : A TextBook of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machine
Authors : Dr R K Bansal
Edition : Not Mentioned
Total No Pages : 287
Book File type : PDF
File size : 52.0 MB
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Contents :
Contents :-
� Properties of Fluids
� Weight and Its Measurement
� Compressible Fluid
� Hydrostatic Forces on Surfaces
� Lightness and Floatation
� Kinematics of Flow and Ideal FlowSuper Imposed Flow
� Stream Past a Circular Cylinder
� Dimensional and Model Analysis
� Limit Layer Flow of Boundary Layer
� Pivoting Cylinder
� Compressible Flow
� Variety of Mass Rate of Flow of Compressible
� Stream in Open Channels
� Effect of Jets and Jet Propulsion
� Elements of Fluid Flow
� Openings and Mouthpieces
� Scores and Weirs
� Thick Flow
� Turbulent Flow
� Course Through Pipes
� Compound Pipes
� Tackled Problems
� Water driven Machines Turbines
� Bends or Iso Ef?ciency Curves
� Outward Pumps
� Responding Pumps
� Chart
� Liquid System


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