Strength of Materials by Surya N Patnayak

BOOK TITLE : Strength of Materials
Authors : Surya N Patnayak
Edition : Latest Edition
Publishers : Butterworth-Heinemann
ISBN-10 : 0123908167
ISBN-13 : 978-0123908162
Total No Pages : 773
Total No Chapters : 14
Book File type : PDF
File size : 6.413 MB
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Description :
Strength of Materials provides a comprehensive overview of the latest theory of strength of materials. The unified theory presented in this book is developed around three concepts: Hooke's Law, Equilibrium Equations, and Compatibility conditions. The first two of these methods have been fully understood, but clearly are indirect methods with limitations. Through research, the authors have come to understand compatibility conditions, which, until now, had remained in an immature state of development. This method, the Integrated Force Method (IFM) couples equilibrium and compatibility conditions to determine forces directly. The combination of these methods allows engineering students from a variety of disciplines to comprehend and compare the attributes of each. The concept that IFM strength of materials theory is problem independent, and can be easily generalized for solving difficult problems in linear, nonlinear, and dynamic regimes is focused upon. Discussion of the theory is limited to simple linear analysis problems suitable for an undergraduate course in strength of materials. To support the teaching application of the book there are problems and an instructor's manual.

Review :
"A very straightforward, comprehensive, self-contained book, which is well illustrated by a gererous selection of high quality figures. 'Strength in Materials' is an excellent undergratuate engineering teaching text that will also prove useful to practising engineers" --Professor K L Edwards, University of Derby, MATERIALS WORLD

"As an excellent text book, the basic concepts, methods and skills are clearly stated. Both the students and experienced engineers will benefit a lot from the close linkage of concepts resulted from the unified theory and practical examples. This Book is an excellent engineering teaching textbook for undergraduates. The quality of the Book is exceptional." --Professor REN, Wenmin, Tsinghua University


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