A Textbook of Strength of Material by R K Bansal

BOOK TITLE : A Textbook of Strength of Material
Authors : R K Bansal
Edition : Sixth Edition
Publishers : Laxmi Publications
ISBN-10 : 8131808149
ISBN-13 : 978-8131808146
Total No Pages : 1222
Total No Chapters : 25
Book File type : PDF
File size : 23.8 MB
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Description :
The fourth edition of this book A Textbook of Strength of Materials contains twenty five chapters. This edition has been thoroughly revised and made up-to-date. A large number of numerical problems from different B.E. degree examinations have been added with solution at proper places. At the end of each chapter, highlights, theoretical questions and many unsolved numerical problems with answers have been given for the students to practice them. Three advanced topics--stresses due to rotation in thin and thick cylinders, bending of curved bars and theories of failures of the materials have also been added. These chapters have been written in such a simple and easy-to-follow language that even an average student can understand them easily by self-study. A large number of Objective Type Multiple Choice Questions, asked in the most of the competitive examinations, have been incorporated in this edition with answers and explanations to make this edition more useful for competitive examinations.

About the Author :
Prof. R. K Bansal was born on Jan. 1, 1943. He graduated in Mechanical Engineering in 1966. and joined Delhi College of Engineering in1967 as lecturer and rose to the post of professor in 1995. Prof. Bansal did M. Tech Degree in 1975 with Honors from I.I.T. Delhi and Ph. D. from University of Delhi in 1981. He guided many final year projects, 08 M.E. Thesis and 01 Ph.D. student. He published many papers and two of his papers Application of F.E.M. to potential flow over a cylinder and F.E. analysis of ideal fluid flow over an Axi-symmetric solid body got Certificate of Merit from Institution of Engineers (India). Prof. Bansal held the position of Head of Department of Mechanical Engineering, faculty of Technology University of Delhi from 1st Jan 2000 to 31.12.2002. He also served as Dean (U.G. Studies) and Dean (P.G. Studies) in Delhi College of Engineering. Prof. Bansal is the author of many Engineering books which are followed as Text books in most of Engineering Institutions of the country. He got First Ever, Distinguished Authors Award in 1999 by the Federation of Educational Publishers in India. After retirement Prof. Bansal is serving as an advisor and Professor in the department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering in Northern India Engineering College, FC 26 Shastri Park, Delhi -110053. Prof. Bansal was awarded Distinguish Author Award in World Book Fair by Afro Asian Book Council on 4th February 2010. He also received Distinguish Faculty Award of Delhi College of Engineering on 6th February 2010

Review :
EXCELLENT BOOK I've been reading this book for the past 2 months. The concepts are easy to understand and the language is simple and clear. The paper quality is also very good.This book is highly recommended if you want to learn about material strengths --Winston Leonard 03 Apr 2012

Another nice book by Bansal !!!!!! From chapter 1 to last chapter no error in problems and solutions. Printing is error free ,diagrams are big and nice as well as flawless.Covers entire syllabus of Mechanical Eng SOM subject. Bending Moment and Shearing Force chapter is so easily explained .Likewise torsion,columns and struts etc. According to me this one of best book by Indian author among other. --Amey Vichare 26 Nov 2014

superb book good value for money.It is a great book for making the fundamental concepts easy to understand. The concepts are easy to understand and the language is simple and clear. The paper quality is also very good. --Saketh Adhikarla 18 Sep 2014


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