Theories of Machine By S.S.Rattan

BOOK TITLE : Theories of Machine
Authors : S.S.Rattan
Edition : Fourth Edition
Publishers : McGraw Hill Education
ISBN-10 : 9351343472
ISBN-13 : 978-9351343479
Total No Pages : 586
Total No Chapters :
Book File type : PDF
File size : 27.24 MB
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Description :
The �Theory of Machines� by S. S. Rattan is a book that is designed for the students pursuing undergraduate degree across various engineering courses. The syllabus of the book includes an in-depth analysis on Kinematics and the Dynamics of Machinery. The book features the recent advancements and developments on the new mechanisms and explains the underlying principles of kinematics

The book has a credible practice section to help the students test their understanding of the chapters. The questions are based on theoretical concepts. The examples and illustrations have been explained well along with well labeled diagrams to ease the understanding quotient of the student.



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