Surveying: Problem Solution with Theory and Objective Type Questions By A. M. Chandra

BOOK TITLE : Surveying: Problem Solution with Theory and Objective Type Questions
Authors : A. M. Chandra
Edition : Latest Edition
Publishers : New Age International Private Limited
ISBN-10 : 8122416292
ISBN-13 : 978-8122416299
Total No Pages : 338
Total No Chapters : 09
Book File type : PDF
File size : 03 MB
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Description :
Textbook on " Surveying: Problem Solution with Theory and Objective Type Questions".

Book Description:
Studying is said to be heart of structural building. Each and every movement of development begins from review, whether you are development heap establishment, you require a surveyor to find and format that heap as per the directions i.e. northing and easting alongside chainage, lessened separation (RD) from a seat stamp. likewise the steel fortification level must accord to drawing and particular, again a surveyor needs to check in there.
This book of reviewing depicts it as well as aides you through well ordered systems to take care of different issues in the field

� Blunders in estimations and their spread
� Remove Estimation
� Leveling
� Theodolite and navigate looking over
� Modification of overview perceptions
� Triangulation and Trilateration
� Bend Running
� Zones and Volumes
� Call attention to and Setting out


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