Engineering Surveying by W. Schofield and Mark Breach

BOOK TITLE : Engineering Surveying
Authors : W. Schofield and Mark Breach
Edition : Sixth Edition
Publishers : CRC Press
ISBN-10 : 0750669497
ISBN-13 : 978-0750669498
Total No Pages : 637
Total No Chapters : 14
Book File type : PDF
File size : 64.6 MB
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Description :
Engineering surveying involves determining the position of natural and man-made features on or beneath the Earth�s surface and utilizing these features in the planning, design and construction of works. It is a critical part of any engineering project. Without an accurate understanding of the size, shape and nature of the site the project risks expensive and time-consuming errors or even catastrophic failure.

This fully updated sixth edition of Engineering Surveying covers all the basic principles and practice of the fundamentals such as vertical control, distance, angles and position right through to the most modern technologies.

It includes:
� An introduction to geodesy to facilitate greater understanding of satellite systems
� A fully updated chapter on GPS, GLONASS and GALILEO for satellite positioning in surveying
� All new chapter on the important subject of rigorous estimation of control coordinates
� Detailed material on mass data methods of photogrammetry and laser scanning and the role of inertial technology in them

With many worked examples and illustrations of tools and techniques, it suits students and professionals alike involved in surveying, civil, structural and mining engineering, and related areas such as geography and mapping.

Wilf Schofield was formerly Principal Lecturer in Civil Engineering at Kingston University; Mark Breach is the Principal Lecturer in Engineering Surveying at Nottingham Trent University and serves on technical committees of the RICS and ICES.

01) Essential ideas of reviewing
02) Blunder and vulnerability
03) Vertical control
04) Separation estimation
05) Edge estimations
06) Customary control reviews
07) Thorough strategies for control
08) Position
09) Satellite situating
10) Bends
11) Earthworks
12) Setting out (dimensional control)
14) Mass information strategies


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