BIM Handbook: A Guide to Building Information Modeling by Chuck Eastman, Paul Teicholz, Rafael Sacks and Kathleen Liston

BOOK TITLE : BIM Handbook: A Guide to Building Information Modeling for Owners, Managers, Designers, Engineers and Contractors
Authors : Chuck Eastman, Paul Teicholz, Rafael Sacks and Kathleen Liston
Edition : Second Edition
Publishers : John Wiley & Sons
ISBN-10 : 0470541377
ISBN-13 : 978-0470541371
Total No Pages : 650
Total No Chapters : 09
Book File type : PDF
File size : 8.66 MB
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Description :
The BIM Handbook presents the technology and processes behind BIM to aid architects, engineers, contractors and sub�contractors, construction and facility owners (AECO). The BIM Handbook combines in�depth technical background, business process discussion of each of the major professional groups in AECO, and offers guidelines for assessment, adoption and use. It includes real world case studies identifying both the benefits and successes of BIM, and study questions for professionals, educators and students to engage in discussions about the many issues with respect to implementing and transitioning to BIM.

From the Back Cover :
"The BIM Handbook is an extensively researched and meticulously written book, showing evidence of years of work rather than something that has been quickly put together in the course of a few months. It brings together most of the current information about BIM, its history, as well as its potential future in one convenient place, and can serve as a handy reference book on BIM for anyone who is involved in the design, construction, and operation of buildings and needs to know about the technologies that support it. The need for such a book is indisputable, and it is terrific that Chuck Eastman and his team were able to step up to the plate and make it happen. Thanks to their efforts, anyone in the AEC industry looking for a deeper understanding of BIM now knows exactly where to look for it."
- AECbytes book review, August 28, 2008 (

Discover BIM: A better way to build better buildings
Building Information Modeling (BIM) offers a novel approach to design, construction, and facility management in which a digital representation of the building process is used to facilitate the exchange and interoperability of information in digital format. BIM is beginning to change the way buildings look, the way they function, and the ways in which they are designed and built.

The BIM Handbook, Second Edition provides an in�depth understanding of BIM technologies, the business and organizational issues associated with its implementation, and the profound advantages that effective use of BIM can provide to all members of a project team. Updates to this edition include:
� Completely updated material covering the current practice and technology in this fast�moving field
� Expanded coverage of lean construction and its use of BIM, with special focus on Integrated Project Delivery throughout the book
� New insight on the ways BIM facilitates sustainable building
� New information on interoperability schemas and collaboration tools
� Six new case studies
Painting a colorful and thorough picture of the state of the art in building information modeling, the BIM Handbook, Second Edition guides readers to successful implementations, helping them to avoid needless frustration and costs and take full advantage of this paradigm�shifting approach to construct better buildings that consume fewer materials and require less time, labor, and capital resources.

About the Author :
Chuck Eastman is a Professor in the Colleges of Architecture and Computing at Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, and Director of the Digital Building Laboratory, a university�industry consortium, where heleads research in IT in building design and construction. He has been active in building modeling research since the 1970s and currently works with a variety of industry groups developing BIM technology.

Paul Teicholz is Professor Emeritus at Stanford University. After twenty�five years innovating with IT solutions in the construction industry, he founded the Center for Integrated Facility Engineering (CIFE) at Stanford in 1988 and directed that program for tenyears. He was named the Construction Management "Man of the Year" by the American Society of Civil Engineers in 1985 and awarded the Henry C. Turner Prize for Innovation in Construction Technology by the National Building Museum in 2006.

Rafael Sacks is an Associate Professor in Structural Engineering and Construction Management at Technion Israel Institute of Technology. He founded and leads the Virtual Construction and BIM Laboratory at the Israel National Building Research Institute, and has conducted primary and applied BIM research for industry, government, and public organizations in North America, Europe, and Israel.

Kathleen Liston is CEO of Eco Offsite, a modular construction company. She co�founded Common Point Technologies, Inc., a construction simulation software company. She has worked with a variety of organizations, including Autodesk, Walt Disney, DPR Construction, and Mortenson Construction, developing technologies and processes to implement BIM. She has a PhD and master's from Stanford University in civil and environmental engineering and a bachelor of architecture from the University of Notre Dame.

� BIM Handbook Presentation
� BIM Devices and Parametric Displaying
� Interoperability
� BIM for Proprietors and Office Chiefs
� BIM for Modelers and Architects
� BIM for Temporary workers
� BIM for Subcontractors and Fabricators
� The Future: Working with BIM
� BIM Contextual analyses


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