Reinforced Concrete : Analysis and Design by S. S. Ray

BOOK TITLE : Reinforced Concrete : Analysis and Design
Authors : S. S. Ray
Edition : Latest Edition
Publishers : Wiley-Blackwell Publication
ISBN-10 : 0632037245
ISBN-13 : 978-0632037247
Total No Pages : 556
Total No Chapters : 11
Book File type : PDF
File size : 12.4 MB
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Description :
This book covers the analysis and design of reinforced concrete elements in foundations and superstructures in a logical, step�by�step fashion. The theory of reinforced concrete and the derivation of the code formulae have been clearly explained. The text is backed up by numerous illustrations, design charts and tables referring frequently to the relevant codes of practice. A large number of worked examples cover almost all types of reinforced concrete elements. The step�by�step approach will ensure that all design requirements are logically adhered to, a standardized approach is established in a design office and that a simplified procedure for checking and for quality assurance can be implemented.


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