Engineering Surveying By W. Schofield

BOOK TITLE : Engineering Surveying
Authors : W. Schofield
Edition : Fifth Edition
Publishers : Butterworth-Heinemann
ISBN-10 : 0750649879
ISBN-13 : 978-0750649872
Total No Pages : 534
Total No Chapters : 10
Book File type : PDF
File size : 06 MB
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Description :
The aim of Engineering Surveying has always been to impart and develop a clear understanding of the basic topics of the subject. The author has fully revised the book to make it the most up-to-date and relevant textbook available on the subject.

The book also contains the latest information on trigonometric levelling, total stations and one-person measuring systems. A new chapter on satellites ensures a firm grasp of this vitally important topic.

The text covers engineering surveying modules for civil engineering students on degree courses and forms a reference for the engineering surveying module in land surveying courses. It will also prove to be a valuable reference for practitioners.

� Simple clear introduction to surveying for engineers
� Explains key techniques and methods
� Details reading systems and satellite position fixing

Book Description:
New edition of this classic text for all Engineering Surveying students

"... a surveying textbook that fully integrates discussion of automated systems into mainstream surveying... a monumental work. The author is to be congratulated for an extremely thorough, yet digestible, textbook that can be recommended for all levels of survey education."
- Journal for Land Survey

"Engineering Surveying is regarded as the standard text on the subject at Kingston and is well regarded by the students going through our courses. Having just re-written the syllabus for our updated suite of courses to start in the Autumn of 2000, Wilf's book is still at the head of the reading list for the surveying module..."
- Dr William Evans, Kingston University

"I found the book to be an excellent reference book for someone who is starting out on this complex and ever-changing state of engineering and surveying. I would have no hesitation in recommending this book to students who are planning to have this as one of their sections of the final outcome of their career."
- J. D. C. MacReadie, Civil Engineering Journal

� Fundamental ideas of reviewing
� Vertical control
� Separate
� Points
� Position
� Control reviews
� Satellite situating
� Bends
� Earthworks
� Setting out (dimensional control)
� Record


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