Satellite Communications by Dennis Roddy

BOOK TITLE : Satellite Communications
Authors : Dennis Roddy
Edition : Fourth Edition
Publishers : McGraw Hill Education
ISBN-10 : 0070077851
ISBN-13 : 978-0070077850
Total No Pages : 656
Total No Chapters : 17
Book File type : PDF
File size : 7.47 MB
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Description :
The Most Complete and Accessible Guide to the Fundamentals and New Developments in Satellite Communications Technology

The leading reference and text in the field for over a decade, Satellite Communications, has been revised, updated, and expanded to cover breakthroughs in global wireless applications, digital television, and Internet access via satellite. Filled with worked examples and 200 illustrations, the new edition offers a clear, state-of-the-art presentation of all satellite communications topics. Readers will find detailed coverage of orbits and launching methods�radio wave propagation� polarization�antennas�analog signals�digital signals �the space link�interference�FDMA, TDMA, and CDMA�satellite services, the Internet, ATM and TCP/IP�digital television broadcasting�mobile services and networking...and much more.

The new Fourth Edition features :
In-depth coverage of today's satellite communication innovations, combined with an intuitive, low-math approach for ease of understanding Updated information on antennas and arrays, error coding methods, mobile services, digital television, and satellite-based Internet services

This "Bible" of Satellite Communications Includes :
� Overview of Satellite Systems
� Orbits and Launching Methods
� Geostationary Orbit
� Radio Wave Propagation
� Polarization
� Antennas
� The Space Segment
� The Earth Segment
� Analog Signals
� Digital Signals
� Error Control Coding
� The Space Link
� Interference
� Satellite Access
� Satellites in Networks
� Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS) Television
� Satellite Mobile and Specialized Services

About the Author :
Dennis Roddy is Professor Emeritus of Electrical Engineering at Lakehead University in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada and has more than 40 years of experience in both industrial and technical education. He is also the author of Radio and Line Transmission, Volumes 1 and 2, Introduction to Microelectronics, and Microwave Technology; and coauthor (with J.Coolen) of Electronic Communications; and Electronics.


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