A Total Eclipse Of The Sun?

Ok...but...where are all of these people taking showers and going to the bathroom? Why isn't anyone addressing this? I saw these tents set up next to each other...hundreds and hundreds of them...a camper was showing off her tent kitchen, her solar powered refrigerator...her tent that sleeps 9...but where is her bathroom? This is not for me. I may just watch everything on TV. Den said that if we go out on our deck and look at the deck floor...we will see what the sun is doing. I honestly do not get it. And honestly...I think Den is tired of my questions...and that is unusual that he has no patience for me...his one true love! I only hope the eclipse does something to the earth to make my hair grow faster...now that would be amazing!


Yesterday our sweet neighbor came over with gifts from his garden. Salsa that he made, peppers, tomatoes, and a Japanese Eggplant that I am using today. I was hatless and didn't feel like running upstairs for one so he saw my very very very short hair...and actually I was ok with that...not venturing into the outside world without a hat but this was good for me.


Reading these...

Waiting for this one...

Off to walk!



Oh...first local organic apple of the season!

It was so delicious.





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