Basic Civil Engineering Book by S. S. Bhavikatti

BOOK TITLE : Basic Civil Engineering Book
Authors : S. S. Bhavikatti
Edition : Latest Edition
Publishers : New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers
ISBN-10 : 8122427774
ISBN-13 : 978-81-224-2853-7
Total No Pages : 300
Total No Chapters : 22
Book File type : PDF
File size : 3.33 MB
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Description :
This book is specially written for the use of students of RGPV, Bhopal. It covers entire syllabus on Basic Civil Engineering as per RGPV, Bhopal. It is divided into five sections and each section is further divided into suitable number of chapters. Care has been taken to see that entire syllabus is covered to the required extent. Simple language has been used, neat sketches are presented and problems are solved in detail. Author hopes good response from the students and staff of RGPV, Bhopal. Table Of Contents: Unit I: Civil Engineering Materials Traditional Materials Mortars Concrete Metals as Building Materials Miscellaneous Building Materials Unit II: Building Construction Building Planning Foundations Super Structures Dampness and its Prevention Cost Effective Construction Techniques in Mass Housing Schemes Unit III: Surveying Introduction to Surveying Linear Measurements and Chain Surveying Compass Surveying Plane Table Surveying Level and Levelling Modern Tools of Surveying Unit IV: Mapping and Sensing Mapping and Contouring Areas and Volumes Remote Sensing and its Applications Unit V: Disaster Resistant Building Disaster Resistant Buildings Disaster Management and Planning Indian Standard Codes About Author: Dr. S.S. Bhavikatti studied at BVB College of Engineering and Technology, Hubli for his BE (Civil) degree and graduated from Karnataka University, Dharwad in 1963, sharing first rank with another candidate. The same year he joined Karnataka Regional Engineering College, Surathkal (presently NITK, Surathkal), as a teacher. He secured ME degree in Structural Engineering in 1967 from University of Roorkee, Roorkee (presently IIT Roorkee) under Technical Teachers Training Programme and Ph.D. degree in 1977 from IIT Delhi under Quality Improvement Programme. He served at NITK, Surathkal in different capacities like Head of Civil Engg. Department;

Contents :
� Customary materials
� Mortars
� Concrete
� Metals as building materials
� Different building materials
� Building arranging
� Establishments
� Super structures
� Soddenness and its counteractive action
� Financially savvy development systems in mass lodging plans
� Prologue to looking over
� Straight estimations and chain studying
� Compass looking over
� Plane table looking over
� Level and leveling
� Cutting edge devices of studying
� Mapping and forming
� Territories and volumes
� Remote detecting and its applications
� Debacle safe structures
� Debacle administration and arranging
� Indian standard codes


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