Malayalee beautiful women playing Thiruvathira hot photos leaked

 Thiruvathira Kali is the unique art form of women in Kerala. The dance is presented as a part of the religious rites and performances, and the women are presented as small groups. The art form is also known by the name Kitticikkali or Kummakali, although with little variation. The dance is considered to be a long and sexy married life. This game is played at night on Thiruvathira day.
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The first Thiruvathira after the adulthood of the girls is called Puthiyiravathri and the first Thiruvathira after marriage is the New Thiruvathira. It was presented as a program that lasted 28 days in ancient times. Thiruvathira starts on Thiruvathira the next day and is 28 days till Thiruvathira next month. The program starts with Ettangadi, a special meal for the first time on the first day of the year. This is the reason why this name is called Tiruva karika. Thiruvonam in Dhanmukasam in other parts of Kerala is also taking place as a 11-day program to end on Thiruvathira day. 
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Parvati makes a heavy penance to get Shiva as her husband and admits to be a husband to appear before Parvati in the Sikh Dinman tradition. It is a legend that virgin and elephant women present the Thiruvathiri kali. There is another legend associated with Lord Shiva. Shiva appeared to him in order to be happy with Parvathi and opened his eyes and burnt his eyes to Lord Shiva. Another legend is that the devotee of Kamadeva's widow Rathi Parvati had given her a passion that she had promised her to be re-imbued with Kamadeva.

Decemblages are stored in front of the house. After sunset, the Thiruvatharakkali begins. In the middle of the night, when the Thiruvathira stellata stars, the dancers sing the devotional songs and the devasams bring home and the lamp with the ashram. Later, the flowers are worn on the hair. Say this as midnight. The flower is heated by singing songs that praise the goddesses of every flower. It also looks like a sparrow.

The girls dance with each other in a round lamp and in the background around a burning lamp. Sari and Blouse are the characters used in the Thiruvarikaris. A girl of the girls playing Thiruvatha will see a heroine. The heroine sings the first line and the group is screaming on the same line. In the accompaniment of the song, the group keep slipping and clapping hands. Stomach across the playing field. The steps in the game are very simple. Even those who do not know it will be able to participate in the game.

At dawning on the Day of the Tuition, the dancing dancers bathe and dress in sandals. The morning meal will be only milk and milk. On that day, then fast. The thirst can only drink water from the jar.

Stages and rods of this theater continue to remain unchanged for centuries. This game is usually performed during the celebrations such as Onam, Thiruvathra and other celebrations. It is also celebrated during the wedding of Namboothiri. There were special prayers in the households in the past to teach Tiru Sankranti. These men will teach a group of women and teach one or two boys. Though these boys will not participate in the game, they will be subsequently mocked.

There are many songs used only for the writings. Words in fairy tale are also used. For example, 'Veeravaratha Kumara Viphanam' ('Uttara Swayam Varam'), 'Calcutha Kalaka Ne' (Dhrusha Chithra), 'Yakshin Shikhhana' (Ravana Vijaya), 'Lokadappa Kantha' (Dakshinagam), 'Kandaththathra Kautukum' ("Chalakudram"), "Mamata Vari Shre" (Duryiyanadam). Mind media


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