The Week's End...


We finally found a beautiful walking trail mere minutes from us. It's easy and uncomplicated and peaceful and a really good place for me to walk more! It's paved and there are benches that seem to be strategically placed. I only stopped to sit once! I think I walked a little over a mile.

It just happens to be across the street from a neat little cafe.

You can sit outside with a drink when you are finished walking!


I finished everything that I started...that felt good...these are on my next up list...

Thinking about these shoes...Teva is the brand and Nordstrom's has them...
Made this was delicious...easy, too!
In my head this week...
I still get sad thinking about what happened to me this year...I still think about what my life was like before all of this happened. I was always kind and good. I cared about people. So...why me? Was it just a quirk of nature? Something weird in my genetic make up? Talcum powder? I am changed and there are times when I feel lost and not happy. We have gone almost an entire year without dinners out, travel, concerts, shopping...all of the things that Den and I loved doing together. I want to forget about doctors and hospitals and Big Chemo but I will never be able to life will always revolve around one more check up...I am not sure I know how to do this.
But I am still mostly happy. I am thankful. I just want my hair to grow faster. Doesn't everyone?







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