Ranbanka Rathore Rajput History

Read Rathore Rajputana History. 

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History Of Rathore Rajput :

                           The Rathore (or Rathor or Rathur or Rathod) is a Rajput tribe of India. The Rathores of India and Pakistan are a Rajput clan from the Marwar region of western Rajasthan, inhabiting Idar state of Gujarat and also the Chhapra ,Sheohar(a village called tariyani Chapra (LAND OF AMAR SINGH RATHORE) is also having large number of rathore rajputs,migrated from jaipur,they were the king of jaipur fort) Muzaffarpur districts of Bihar in very small numbers. 
                       In India, their native languages are Hindi and its dialects (such as Rajasthani, Marwari and other languages of Rajasthan, Gujarati and Kutch in Gujarat, as well as Punjabi in the Punjab a dialect of Punjabi called Rathi spoken in Ratia and Tohana in present day Haryana). 

                   Dynasties belonging to this clan ruled a number of kingdoms and princely states in Rajasthan and neighbouring states before India's independence in 1947. The largest and oldest among these was Jodhpur, in Marwar and Bikaner. 

                   Also the Idar State in Gujrat. The Maharaja of Jodhpur, is regarded as the head of the extended Rathore clan of Hindu Rajputs. Even in the modern times the clout of this clan in the democratic world is such that a large number of MLAs and MPs have been elected from among them.

Rathore Rajput Sakha Gotra :

GOTRA - Gautam
VED - Samved / Yajurved.
KUL DEVI � Nagnechimaa, Pankhani (Vindhyavasini).
ISHT - Ramchandraji.
VIRAD - Ranbanka Rathore
TALWAR - Ranthali
KATAAR - Ranveer / Harbhuji
KSHETRA - Ayodhya
SHAKHA - 13.5 main Danesura
NAGARA - Ranjeet / Verisaal
NIKAS - Ayodhya
NISHAN - Panchrang
RAAJ CHINHA - Baaj (Cheeel)
POTHI - Badwa, Ranimanga, Kulguru
GURU - Shukracharya / Vashitha
UPADHI - Kamdhaj
MALA - Ratna
DHOL - Bhanwar
GADI - Lahore
GAU - Kapila
ASHWA / GHODA - Dalsingar / Sawkaran
Rao Seoji was a Rajput belonging to the Rathore clan. His father was Rao Setram (King of Kannauj).

King of Kannoj, Jaichandra died in battle with Shuhabuddin Gori, and Kannoj and surrounding area was under command of king Jaichandra�s son Harishchandra. But because of continue wars with Mugals, Harishchandra�s son Rao Setram and Rao Siha moved to �Khor� (Shamsabad) and then from Khor to Mahue. This village is located in Farukhabad district.

Remains of Rao Siha�s residence are still there and known as �Siha Rao ka Khera�.
On his way to Dwarka, when he was in Pushkar with his army, Brahmins (A holy Hindu caste) of Bhinmal requested Rao Siha for saving them from Mugal. That time Mugals used to attack from Multan side to rob them. 

On their request Rao Siha killed Mugal army head and donated Binmal area to Brahmins. After this Rao Siha stayed for some time in Patan (a Solanki Rajput state in Gujrat). Rao Siha reached Pali from Patan. 

Pali was business hub that time and Paliwal Brahmins were living there. They were also under fear of robbers. On their request Rao Siha took command of Pali to save them from robber castes. Very soon Pali and surrounding area was under command of Rao Siha. Finally Rao Siha established his residence in Pali.

That was beginning of history of Marwar. Rao Siha known as founder of Marwar state. According to inscription found at Bithu village near Pali, Rao Siha died in year 1273. Sheoji's death is confirmed by a stone inscription in the village of Vithu near the town of Pali in Rajasthan, according to which he died on Monday, 9 October 1273.
JAICHANDRA (King of Kannoj)
1212-1273 A.D.
Rao Asthan
1272-1292 A.D.
Rao Doohad
1292-1309 A.D.
1309-1313 A.D.
1313-1323 A.D.
1323-1328 A.D.
1328-1344 A.D.
1344-1357 A.D.
RAO SALKHA (Second Son)
1357-1374 A.D.
1374-1383 A.D. (1373-1399 A.D.)
1399-1423 A.D.
1427-1438 A.D. (1424-1427 A.D.)
Rao Jodha 
1453-1489 A.D.
1489-1492 A.D. (1492-1515 A.D.)
1515-1532 A.D.
Rao Maldeo Rathore
1532-1562 A.D.

MARWAR (1226-1949) 
[ Jodhpur, Barmer, Nagaur, Jalore, Pali ]
BIKANER (1488-1949)
[ Bikaner, Churu, Ganganagar, Hanumargarh ]
KISHANGARH (1611-1949)
IDAR (1728-1949)
RATLAM (1651-1949)
SITAMAU (1701-1949)
SAILANA (1730-1949)
ALIRAJPUR (1701-1949)


Based on "khyats" (traditional accounts) written in seventeenth century, it is surmised that the Rathores and Rathods were originally feudatories of the Ujjaini-based Gurjara-Pratihara dynasty, and may perhaps have been domiciled in the vicinity of Kannauj in the heyday of that dynasty. Pratihara-ruled Kannauj was sacked by Mahmud of Ghazni in 1019 CE, which ushered in a chaotic period for that area. A family known to us as the "Gahadvala" dynasty gained control of Kannauj and ruled for nearly a century; their best-known dynast was Raja Jaichand, their last king. The Gahadvalas were displaced from Kannauj by the invasion, in 1194 CE, of Muhammad of Ghor. It is said that Sheoji, a surviving grandson of Jaichand, made his way into the western desert with a group of faithful followers, finally settling in the town of Pali in Marwar, which was ruled by another branch of the Pratiharas. Sheoji is regarded as the patriarch of the entire Rathore clan and all Rathores and Rathods trace their patrilineage back to him. The tradition finds supports from a number of inscriptions found in the vicinity of Kannauj that mention several generations of a Rashtrakuta dynasty ruling there for two centuries. A very similar account is also mentioned in the "Rashtrayudha Kavya" of Rudrakavi, finished in 1595, who was the court poet in the court of the Rathore king, Narayana of Mayurgiri.


Present Jodhpur and Adjoining Districts was known as the ancient kingdom of Marwad (Marwar) the Land of Death, the largest kingdom in Rajputana and the third largest of the Indian Kingdoms, after Kashmir and Hyderabad. Jodhpur, former capital of Marwad state, retains much of its medieval character. Beginning in 1549, when the city was called Jodhagarh, the Rathor clan of Rajputs fought and ruled from the virtually impregnable fort until their territory covered some 35,000 sq. miles making it the largest Rajput state.
According to Rathor tradition, the clan traces its origins back to the Hindu god, Rama, hero of the epic Ramayana, and thence to the sun. So the Rathors belong to the Suryavansha (solar race) branch of the Kshatriyas, the warrior caste of Hindus. Later, breaking into historical reality, in 470 A.D. Nayal Pal conquered the kingdom of Kanauj, near modern Kanpur in Uttar Pradesh. The Rathor capital for seven centuries, Kanauj fell in 1193 to the Afghan invader's led by Muhammad Ghori.
The fleeing ruler, Jai Chand, drowned in the Ganga. But his son or grandson, Siyaji, had better luck. An expedient marriage alliance between the Rathore Sihaji and the sister of a local prince enabled the Rathores to consolidate themselves in this region. In fact, they prospered to such a degree that they managed to oust the Pratiharas of Mandore, nine km to the north of present day Jodhpur.He later set himself up as an independent ruler around the wealthy trading center of Pali, just south of Jodhpur. His descendants flourished, battled often, won often, and in 1381 Rao Chanda ousted the Parihars from Mandore which then became the Rathore seat of government.Rathore fortunes then turned. Rao Chanda's son and heir, Rainmal, won praise for his capture of Ajmer and was then entrusted with the care of his orphaned nephew, destined to inherit the Mewar throne of Chittor. Rainmal may well have had his eyes on this fine, hilltop fort. Though its structure was different to modern luxury buildings, from blackpool hotels in England to the Dubai Hilton, it was a work of glorious and luxurious architecture. Rainmal knew of the location, and wanted it very much for himself. But court intrigue and treachery stopped him. In 1438 he was doped with opium, and finally shot dead. This triggered bitter feuds, ending with Mewar and Marwar becoming separate states.Rathor legend continues in various versions. One is that Jodha, one of Rainmal's 24 sons, fled Chittor and finally, 15 years later, recaptured Mandore in 1453. Five years later he was acknowledged as ruler. A holy man sensibly advised him to move his capital to hilltop safety.
By 1459, it became evident that a more secure headquarters was required. The high rocky ridge nine km to the south of Mandore was an obvious choice for the new city of Jodhpur, with the natural enhanced by a fortress of staggering proportions, and to which Rao Jodha's successors added over the centuries.


Rao Ganga Singh of Jodhpur (reigned 1516-32) fought alongside the army of the great warrior king of Mewar, Rana Sanga, against the first Mughal emperor, Babur. But over the next half century or so, the rulers of Jodhpur allied themselves with Babur's grandson, Akbar. Several rulers of Jodhpur became trusted lieutenants of the Mughals, such as Raja Surender, who conquered Gujarat and much of the Deccan for Akbar, and Raja Gaj Singh, who put down the rebellion of the Mughal prince, Khurram, against his father, Jahangir. With the support of the Mughals, the court of Jodhpur flourished and the kingdom became a great center of the arts and culture. In the 17th century Jodhpur became a flourishing center of trade for the camel caravans moving from Central Asia to the parts of Gujarat and vice versa. In 1657, however, Maharaja Jaswant Singh (reigned 1638-78) backed the wrong prince in the great war of succession to the Mughal throne. He was in power for almost twenty-five years with Aurangzeb before he was sent out to the frontier as viceroy in Afghanistan. Aurangzeb then tried to seize his infant son, but loyal retainers smuggled the little prince out of his clutches, hidden, they say, in a basket of sweets.


The kingdom of Jodhpur then formed a triple alliance with Udaipur and Jaipur, which together threw off the Mughal yoke. As a result,the Maharajas of Jodhpur finally regained the privilege of marrying Udaipur princesses something they had forfeited when they had allied themselves with the Mughals. A condition of these marriages, however, was that the sons born of the Udaipur princesses would be first in line to the Jodhpur throne. This soon led to considerable.jealousy. Nearly a century of turmoil followed, culminating in Jodhpur falling under the influence of, first, the Marathas, and then, in 1818, the British. The state of affairs was such that a young Rathor prince, when asked ,where Jodhpur was, simply pointed to the sheath of his 'dagger and said, "Inside here".


In the 1870's, a remarkable man came to the fore in Jodhpur: Sir Pratap Singh (left) .A son of Maharaja of Jodhpur, he himself ruled a neighboring kingdom called Idar, abdicated to become Regent of Jodhpur, which he ruled, in effect, for nearly fifty years. Sir Pratap Singh was a great warrior and the epitome of Rajput chivalry. He became an intimate friend of three British sovereigns. At Queen Victoria's durbar he is said to have presented her not with mere jewels, like everyone else, but with his own sword, his most valuable possession as aRajput warrior. Sir Pratap Singh laid the foundation of a modern state in Jodhpur, which Maharaja Umaid Singh (reigned 1918-47) built upon. The of Jodhpur was not merely the largest of the Rajput states, but also one of the most progressive. In 1949, after the independence of India, it was merged into the newly created state of Rajasthan.


The Rathores gradually spread across Marwar, forming a brotherhood of landowners and village chieftains, loosely bound to each other by ties of clan and caste. An epoch in the history both of Marwar and of the Rathores was marked by Rao Jodha, a warrior who founded a kingdom that grew to encompass all of Marwar. He also founded the city of Jodhpur in 1459, and moved his capital thither from Mandore. One of his sons, Rao Bika, with the help of his brave uncle Rawat Kandhal, established the town of Bikaner in 1488, in the Jangladesh region lying to the north of Marwar; that town was to become the seat of a second major Rathore kingdom. Some of these migrations from Marwar into Gujarat caused changes in language and the spelling of Rathore to Rathod, which is seen in clans present in Gujarat. Rathods of Gujarat trace their history to the city Jodhpur. The various cadet branches of the Rathore clan gradually spread to encompass all of Marwar and later sallied abroad to found states in Central India and Gujarat. At the time of India's independence in 1947, the princely states ruled by various branches of the Rathore clan included.


Nagnechiya Mata is kuldevi of all Rathore Rajputs. Main temple of Mata Nagnechiya is located in village Nagana near Jodhpur in Pachpadra tehsil, Barmer District.
History of Nagana Temple :
Rao Dhuhad (son of Rao Asthan) once attacked on �Godyana� near Kannoj to get his old state back from Mugals but he could not success in that. On his return he brought his kuldevi �Chakreshwari�s� statue from Karnat and established under a tree of Neem (Scientific Name - Azadirachta indica) in Nagana village. Because of this all Rathores worship Neem as well. A holy tree for Rathores. Because of the name of village(Nagana), kuldevi Chakreshwari is well known by the name Nagnechiya Maa. Generally in all villages where Rathores live they have a common Than (Temple) of Nagnechiya Mata.

JODHPUR (MARWAR): Covering the present-day districts of JODHPUR, PALI, NAGUAR, BARMER, and JALOR.

BIKANER (JANGLADESH): Covering the present-day districts of Bikaner, Churu, Ganganagar and Hanumangarh.


KISHANGARH in present-day Rajasthan, founded in 1611 by Raja Kishan Singh, son of Udai Singh of Marwar.

IDAR in present-day Gujarat, founded in 1728 or 1729.
RATLAM in present-day Ratlam District of Madhya Pradesh, founded 1651.
SITAMAU in present-day Mandsaur District of Madhya Pradesh, founded 1701 by Raja Kesho Das.
SAILANA in present-day Ratlam District of Madhya Pradesh, founded in 1730 by Raja Jai Singh.
Rathore rajputs are also found in Bihar, District called Sheohar there is a village called tariyani chapra,,there are lots of rathore rajputs...migrated from rajasthan(Jaipur).
Rathod rajputs are also found in Gujarat called vaja rathod and vadher rathod.
Vaja and Vadher rajputs are eashtablish in GUJARAT from 1200 A.D..


Rao Sheoji or Siyaji (1226-1273) [Founder of Marwar]
Rao Asthan (1273-1292)
Rao Doohad (1291-1309)
Rao Raipal (1309-1313)
Rao Kanhapal (1313-1323)
Rao Jalansi (1323-1228)
Rao Chada (1328-1344)
Rao Tida (1334-1357)
Rao Kanhadev (1357-1374)
Rao Biram Dev (1374-1383)
Rao Chanda or Chunda Rao (1383-1424)
Rao Kanha (1424-1427)
Rai Sanha (in rebellion) (1424-1427)
Rao Ranmal or Ranmalla (1427-1438) [Ruler of Mandore]
Rao Jodha (1438-1488). [Founder of Jodhpur]
Rao Satal (1488-1491)
Rao Suja (1491-1515)
Rao Ganga (1515-1532)
Rao Maldev or Malladeva (1532-1562)
Rao Chandrasen (1562-1584)
Raja Udai Singh or Udaya Singh (1584-1595)
Sawai Raja Suraj Singh (1595-1620)
Maharaja Gaja Singh (1620-1638)
Maharaja Jaswant Singh I (1638-1679)
Maharaja Ajit Singh (19 February 1679 - 24 June 1724). Born 1679, died 1724.
Maharaja Abhai Singh (24 June 1724 - 18 June 1749). Born 1702, died 1749.
Maharaja Ram Singh (1st time) (18 June 1749 - July 1751). Born 1730, died 1772.
Maharaja Bakht Singh (July 1751 - 21 September 1752). Born 1706, died1752.
Maharaja Bijay Singh (1st time) (21 September 1752 - 1753). Born 1724, died 1793.
Maharaja Ram Singh (2nd time) (1753 -September 1772)
Maharaja Bijay Singh (2nd time) (1772 - 17 July 1793)
Maharaja Bhim Singh (in rebellion) (13 April 1792 - 20 March 1793). Died 1803.
Maharaja Bhim Singh (17 July 1793 - 19 October 1803)
Maharaja Man Singh Rathore (19 October 1803 - 4 September 1843). Born 1783, died 1843.
Chhatra Singh (regent) (19 April 1817 - 6 January 1818). Born c.1800, died 1818.
Maharaja Takht Singh (14 October 1843 - 13 February 1873). Born 1819, died 1873.
Maharaja Jaswant Singh II (13 February 1873 - 11 October 1895. Born 1838, died 1895.
Maharaja Sardar Singh (11 October 1895 - 21 March 1911). Born 1880, died 1911.
Maharaja Sumer Singh (21 March 1911 - 3 October 1918). Born 1898, died 1918.
Maharaja Umaid Singh (3 October 1918 - 9 June 1947). Born 1903, died 1947.
Maharaja Hanwant Singh (9 June 1947-7 April 1949). Born 1923, acceded to India 7 April 1949, died 1952.
Maharaja Gaj Singh II
Rao Bika (1465-1504). Born 1438, died 1504. Founded Bikaner 1465. Son of Rao Jodha of Marwar.
Rao Naroji Singh (1504-1505). Son of Rao Bika.
Rao Lunkaranji (1505-1526). Son of Rao Bika.
Rao Jetsiji Singh (1526-1542). Son of Rao Lunkaranji.
Rao Kalyan Singh (1542-1571). Born 1519, died 1571. Son of Rao Jetsiji Singh.
Raja Raj Singh I (1571-1611). Born 1541, died 1612. Son of Raja Kalyan Singh.
Raja Dalpat Singh (1611-1614). Born 1565, died 1614. Son of Raja Raj Singh I.
Raja Sur Singh (1614-1631). Born 1595, died 1631. Son of Raja Raj Singh I.
Raja Karan Singh (1631-1669. Born 1616, died 1669. Son of Raja Karan Singh.
Maharaja Anup Singh (Raja 1669-1687, Maharaja 1687-1698). Born 1638, died 1698. Son of Raja Karan Singh.
Maharaja Sarup Singh (1698-1700). Born 1689, died 1700.
Maharaja Sujan Singh (1700-1736). Born 1690, died 1736.
Maharaja Zorawar Singh (1736-1745). Born 1713, died 1745. Husband of, Maharani. Gurnoor Kaur
Maharaja Gaj Singh (1745-1787). Born 1723, died 1787.
Maharaja Raj Singh II (1787). Born 1744, died 1787.
Maharaja Pratap Singh (1787). Born 1781, died 1787.
Maharaja Surat Singh (1788-1828). Born1766, died 1828.
Maharaja Ratan Singh (1828-1851). Born 1791, died 1851.
Maharaja Sardar Singh (1851-16 May 1872). Born 1818, died 1872.
Maharaja Dungar Singh (16 May 1872 - 19 August 1887). Born 1854, died 1887.
Maharaja Ganga Singh (19 August 1887-2 February 1943). Born 1880, died 1943.
Maharaja Sadul Singh (2 February 1943 - 7 April 1949). Born 1902, acceded to India 7 April 1949, died 25 September 1950)
Maharaja Karni Singh.


1. JODHA - [Rulers of Jodhpur, Rajasthan]. Vanshaj of RAO JODHA
(1). JODHA RATANSINGHOT [Rulers of Ratlam]

2. BIKA - [Rulers of Bikaner or Jangladesh]
(1). Bika Rangot - living in Ajeetpura (Hanumangarh District), Sidhmudh (Churu District) a And surrounding areas.
(2). Bika Sangot - living in Ajeetpura and the same areas of the Bika Sangot's.

3. MAHECHA - living around Mehwanagar, Barmer (Vanshaj of RAWAL MALLINATHJI, Marwar)
4. BANIROT - living in Churu District.
5. KANDHAL - living around Ghanau (Churu District).
6. JAITAWAT - living around pali, descendant of rao Jaitaji Rathore
7. BALAWAT - Jagirs located majorly in Barmer, Kota and Jalore districts Mokalsar Mandavala Nimblana Posana Bhanwarajadi
8. JAITMALOT - The royal house hold of Banol & dhansa nagari jalore.
9. KOTRIYA - living around Kotra,Hathi singh ka gaw,Biyar,and Shiv (Barmer)Kotriya son of Rawal Mallinath (oldest son of rao salkha 1357-1374 A.D.) [Rulers of Kotra]
10. CHAMPAWAT - Living around Pokaran,Peelwa,Jodhpur & Pali
11. UDAWAT - Living around Pali
12. MEDATIYA - (Ruler of Medata)living largely in Nagaur, Pali,Mewar,Jodhpur district Rajasthan
13. SINDHAL - living around jalor & pali.Kaonla
15. BIDAWAT - living around Bidasar Churu
17. RAWATOT - living around Rawatsar
18. KARAMSOT - living around Khinvsar Nagaur and Bikaner
19. KARNOT - the clan of Durgadas Rathore
20. SOHAR - Descendant of Rao Shobhitji Rathore
21. GAHERWAR or GAHARWAR - living in UP region mainly belonging to three dynasties of Dahia, Manda, and Vijaypur-Kantit. They were called Rathore when they migrated to Rajasthan.
22. ROUTRAY - Living in Gurujanga near Puri migrated from Rajasthan in 1805
23. RAO - rathores in eastern U.P who said to have descends of Rao jodha use RAO as their surname instead of rathores e.g. siddharth rao ,said to be from suryavanshi..Some of the descendent of Rao jodha settled in eastern U.P.(KHIMSEPUR is a famous place of rathore's in farrukhabad district) They use Rao word as sir name instead of Rathour.eg Rao Praduymn Singh Rathore son of Rao Surender Pratap Singh Rathore.

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