Basic Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering by Dr. Kamalesh Kumar

BOOK TITLE : Basic Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
Authors : Dr. Kamalesh Kumar
Edition : Latest Edition
Publishers : New Age International (P) Limited
ISBN-10 : 8122420796
ISBN-13 : 978-0080967042
Total No Pages : 153
Total No Chapters : 11
Book File type : PDF
File size : 5.8 MB
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Contents :
� Introduction to geotechnical earthquake engineering
� Earthquakes
� Seismic hazards in india
� Dynamic soil properties
� Site seismicity, seismic soil response and design earthquake
� Liquefaction
� Earthquake resistant design for shallow foundation
� Earthquake resistant design of deep foundation
� Slope stability analyses for earthquakes
� Retaining wall analyses for earthques
� Earthquake resistant design of buildings

Description :
A basic textbook on geotechnical earthquake engineering. It is lucidly written and is suitable for undergraduate as well as first year postgraduate course in civil engineering with soil mechanics and foundation engineering at undergraduate level as prerequisite.

Key Features :
Subject matter is organised logically to make it easy and interesting for the students. Emphasis has been given on the basics of geotechnical earthquake engineering. Home work problems have been given at the end of each chapter to test the understanding of concepts given in the chapter. At the end of appropriate chapters solved numerical problems as well as exercise numerical problems as home work problems have also been to make the related concepts clear.

About the Author :
Dr. Kamalesh Kumar is Assistant Professor with civil engineering, Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS) Pilani, Rajasthan. He obtained his B. Tech. degree from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur and M. S. degree from Lehigh University, Pennsylvania, USA. He completed his Ph. D. from BITS Pilani, Rajasthan, in 2002. He has research publications in two international conferences within India, one international conference outside India, six national conferences, one international journal and two national journals. He is member of Phi�Beta�Delta, Honor Society for international scholars.


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