Electrical Engineering Materials (Prentice-Hall Electrical Engineering Series) by Adrianus J. Dekker

BOOK TITLE : Electrical Engineering Materials (Prentice-Hall Electrical Engineering Series)
Authors : Adrianus J. Dekker
Edition : Latest Edition
Publishers : Prentice-Hall
Total No Pages : 220
Total No Chapters : 07
Book File type : PDF
File size : 21.5 MB
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Description :
Covers the nuclear translation of dielectric, attractive, and conductive properties of materials. Accentuation is on clear presentation of essential physical procedures in charge of the properties of materials. Broad foundation data, various line drawings, charts and tables, supplement the content. Chapter by chapter list Particles and Totals of Iotas. Dielectric Properties of Covers in Static Fields. Conduct of Dielectrics in Rotating Fields. Attractive Properties of Materials. The Conductivity of Metals. The System of Conduction in Semiconductors. Intersection Rectifiers and Transistors. Answers to Issues. List.

Contents :
� Molecules and Totals of Particles
� Dielectric Properties of Separators in Static Fields
� Conduct of Dielectrics in Rotating Fields
� Attractive Properties of Materials
� The Conductivity of Metals
� The System of Conduction in Semiconductors
� Intersection Rectifiers and Transistors
� Answers to Issues
� File


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