Automotive Engineering - Lightweight, Functional And Novel Materials

Automotive Engineering - Lightweight, Functional And Novel Materials by CRC Press Publishers
BOOK TITLE : Automotive Engineering - Lightweight, Functional And Novel Materials
Authors : Brian Cantor, Patrick Grant, Colin Johnston
Edition : Not Mentioned
Publishers : CRC Press Publishers
ISBN : 978-0-7503-1001-7
Total No Pages : 294
Book File type : PDF
File size : 8.63 MB
Chapters : 19
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Contents :
� High-Temperature Electronic Materials
� Brilliant Materials
� Cell Metal Compressive Properties
� Sway Loading
� Future Vehicles and Materials Technologies
� Car Aluminum Sheet
� Pliable Magnesium
� Plastic Technology for Automotive Modules
� Formability of Aluminum Alloy
� Car Catalysts
� Magnetorheological Fluids
� Intensely Deformable Al Alloy
� Stainless Steel Sandwich Sheets
� Welding and Joining
� Titanium Aluminide-Based Intermetallic Alloys
� Throwing Processes and Simulation Tools
� Harm Tolerance in Composite Structures
� Elite Autosport Surface Treatments and Composites.


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