Automotive Transmissions - Fundamentals, Selections, Design and Application

Automotive Transmissions - Fundamentals, Selections, Design and Application
BOOK TITLE : Automotive Transmissions - Fundamentals, Selections, Design and Application
Authors : Wolfgang Novak, Harald Naunheimer, Joachim Ryborzand , Bernd Bertsche
Edition : Second Edition
Publishers : Springer Publication
ISBN : 978-3-642-16214-5
Total No Pages : 742
Book File type : PDF
File size : 68.50 MB
Chapters : 17
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Contents :
� Substance: � Presentation
� Outline of the Traffic � Vehicle � Transmission System
� Intervening the Power Flow
� Power Conversion: Selecting the Ratios
� Coordinating Engine and Transmission
� Vehicle Transmission Systems: Basic Design Principles
� Configuration of Gearwheel Transmissions for Vehicles
� Particular and Design of Shafts
� Gear moving Mechanisms
� Getting Off Elements
� Outline and Configuration of Further Design Elements
� Run of the mill Designs of Vehicle Transmissions
� Electronic Transmission Control
� PC Aided Transmission Development
� The Automotive Transmission Development Process
� Transmission Manufacturing Technology
� Dependability and Testing of Automotive Transmissions


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